
Oyster is on a mission to make it possible for companies everywhere to hire people anywhere. Hire quickly and compliantly in over 180 countries, automate payroll based on the hiring country's currency, and manage health benefits, equity, time off and more.

Global employment

With Oyster's expansive country coverage, you can compliantly hire employees and contractors without setting up a local entity yourself.

Multi-country payroll

No more payroll headaches. With one automated payroll platform, you can pay all your employees on time and in their local currencies.

Localised benefits

Looking for ways to attract and retain top talent? Level up your compensation package with competitive, country-specific benefits.

Don't hesitate to reach out to consult with one of our global employment experts.

Incentives offered to Brightmine clients:

  • 20% discount
  • Free contractor misclassification risk assessment
  • Free cost calculations for global employment

Contact Details

Patrick Richards

