Victoria Welsh
Victoria is an associate and solicitor advocate in the compliance and audit team at Fragomen. She has over seven years' experience in UK immigration law. Victoria has advised global corporate clients and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a range of sectors on all aspects of UK immigration law.
Victoria has extensive experience in advising and assisting clients with tier 2 sponsor licence applications and renewals. She focuses on the proactive management of sponsor compliance, conducts mock audits and attends official Home Office compliance audits. Victoria also regularly advises clients on the implications of mergers and acquisitions, and restructurings and joint ventures, as well as internal compliance policy and strategy.
Prior to joining Fragomen, Victoria developed a relationship with Here for Good, the charity helping EU nationals with Brexit. She led a volunteer team that gave free legal advice at numerous events. Victoria also completed a tier 2 sponsor licence application for a multi-academy trust on a pro bono basis.