Economic data

The latest economic and labour market statistics.

This tool keeps you up to date with:

  • Economic trends, including inflation.
  • Labour market information, including unemployment rates.
  • Pay and hours figures, including average earnings.

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Economic trends

Labour market

  • Employment

    Updated to include the latest official statistics from the ONS on employment and unemployment. The next ONS release date is 12 November 2024. 

  • Labour disputes

    Updated to include official statistics from the ONS for August 2024 on days lost to labour disputes and the number of stoppages. The next ONS release date is 12 November 2024. 

  • Recruitment

    Updated to include data for September 2024 on the availability and recruitment of permanent and temporary staff from the KPMG and REC UK Report on Jobs compiled by S&P Global in association with the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC). 


  • Average earnings

    Updated to include official earnings data from the ONS for August 2024. The next ONS release date is 12 November 2024. 

  • Pay awards

    Updated to include the Brightmine pay settlement data for the three months to the end of August 2024. Brightmine will publish the next pay figures on 24 October 2024. 

  • ONS gender pay gap data: ASHE 2023

    Updated to include the latest headline gender pay gap data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2023. The next ONS release date is November 2024.

  • ONS pay rate data: ASHE 2023

    Updated to include the latest headline pay data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2023. The next ONS release date is November 2024.

  • Guide to official pay figures

    Here we present an HR practitioner's comparative guide to the two main official sources of pay information: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) and average weekly earnings (AWE).