HR calendar 2012

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1/1/2012 Changes to VAT on salary-sacrifice arrangements come into force. 

2/1/2012 Bank holiday

3/1/2012 Bank holiday (Scotland). 

4/1/2012 Last date for a request for an extension to be made more than three months before intended date of retirement of 5 April 2011. 

5/1/2012 Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Sikh anniversary). 

6/1/2012 Consultation on lecturers, teachers and instructors closes. 

6/1/2012 Consultation on increasing employee contributions to the Local Government Pension Scheme closes. 

13/1/2012 HR & Compliance Centre coaching and mentoring survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

17/1/2012 Seldon v Clarkson, Wright and Jakes and Homer v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police - Supreme Court to hear appeals against Court of Appeal decisions that held that a partner's compulsory retirement at 65 was objectively justified and an employer's policy requiring employees to have a law degree to achieve promotion was not directly discriminatory. 

20/1/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

20/1/2012 HR & Compliance Centre recruitment trends survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

23/1/2012 Chinese New Year (Lunar new year). 

26/1/2012 Deer v Walford and another - appeal in which the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that, the process for deciding what, if any, inferences should be drawn from answers to a statutory discrimination questionnaire is no different from the steps that tribunals should take in any other case. The Court of Appeal will hear the claimant's appeal against the EAT decision. 

31/1/2012 Closure of calls for evidence on TUPE and on collective redundancy consultation. 



1/2/2012 New limits come into force including: an increase in the maximum compensatory award for unfair dismissal from £68,400 to £72,300; and an increase in the cap on a "week's pay" for calculating a redundancy payment from £400 to £430. 

3/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre workplace relationships survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

4/2/2012 Mawlid al-Nabi (Prophet Muhammad's Birthday) Islamic religious anniversary. 

6/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre pay forecasts survey opens. Participate now and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

10/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Agency Workers Directive survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

10/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre market-linked pay survey opens. Participate now and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

14/2/2012 Valentine's Day. 

17/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: General Management and Administration Salary Survey published. 

21/2/2012 Shrove Tuesday (Christian religious festival). 

22/2/2012 Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent) (Christian religious festival). 

22/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre pay forecasts survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

24/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

24/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre learning and development survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

24/2/2012 HMRC consultation on modernising the personal tax system, which includes PAYE and income tax self assessment closes. 

24/2/2012 HR & Compliance Centre redundancy survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 



2/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre market-linked pay survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

6/3/2012 Consultation on employment tribunal fees closes. 

8/3/2012 Purim (Jewish festival). 

8/3/2012 International Women's Day. 

8/3/2012 Parental leave increases from three to four months. 

9/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: National Management Salary Survey published. 

9/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre arrangements for the Olympics survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

14/3/2012 No Smoking Day. 

15/3/2012 Call for evidence opens on dismissal procedures and compensated no-fault dismissals

16/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Computer Staff Salary Survey data collection begins. 

17/3/2012 St Patrick's Day (NI bank holiday). 

18/3/2012 Mothering Sunday. 

21/3/2012 Budget day. 

23/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

23/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre testing in selection survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

26/3/2012 Mattu v The University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust - Court of Appeal to hear appeal against High Court decision that a doctor's dismissal did not engage his right to a fair and public hearing under the European Convention on Human Rights. NHS Leeds v Larner - Court of Appeal to hear appeal against EAT decision that a worker who made no holiday requests during long-term sick leave was still entitled to statutory holiday pay. 

30/3/2012 HR & Compliance Centre maternity leave survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 



1/4/2012 Palm Sunday (Christian religious festival). 

1/4/2012 Calculation of staging date for automatic pension enrolment. HR & Compliance Centre helps employers prepare for pensions auto-enrolment.  

1/4/2012 Weekly rates for statutory maternity, paternity and adoption pay increase to £135.45. 

2/4/2012 Consultation on auto-enrolment for European employers closes. 

6/4/2012 Good Friday bank holiday. 

6/4/2012 Increase to lower earnings limits for national insurance contributions from £102 to £107. 

6/4/2012 Changes to employment tribunal procedure come into force. 

6/4/2012 Weekly rate for statutory sick pay increases to £85.85. 

6/4/2012 Qualifying period for unfair dismissal increases to two years. 

6/4/2012 Contracting out of state additional pension abolishedHMRC can ask employers to pay a security in case of non-payment of income tax or national insurance

7/4/2012 Pesach (Passover) (1st day) Jewish religious festivalHMRC can ask employers to pay a security in case of non-payment of income tax or national insurance

8/4/2012 Easter Sunday. 

9/4/2012 Basic state pension increases from £102.15 to £107.45 per week. 

9/4/2012 Easter Monday bank holiday. 

10/4/2012 HR & Compliance Centre benefits and allowances survey opens. Participate now and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

14/4/2012 Vaisakhi (Sikh religious festival). 

23/4/2012 St George's Day. 

27/4/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 



3/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre benefits and allowances survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

4/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre performance management training survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

7/5/2012 May bank holiday

11/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Actuaries Salary Survey data collection begins. 

12/5/2012 Fair Trade Day. 

17/5/2012 International day against homophobia and transphobia. 

17/5/2012 Ascension Day (Christian religious festival). 

18/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre absence and labour turnover survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

21/5/2012 Diversity Day. 

25/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre aligning HR with business strategy survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 

25/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

27/5/2012 Shavuot (Pentecost) Jewish anniversary related to Passover. 

27/5/2012 Pentecost Sunday (Christian religious festival). 

28/5/2012 HR & Compliance Centre overtime survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings. 



1/6/2012 Automatic Enrolment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2012 come into force. 

4/6/2012 Spring bank holiday

5/6/2012 Diamond Jubilee bank holiday

5/6/2012 World Environment Day. 

8/6/2012 Call for evidence on dismissal procedures and compensated no-fault dismissals closes. 

15/6/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Housing Sector, Distribution and Voluntary Sector Salary Survey data collection begins. 

15/6/2012 HR & Compliance Centre pay issues in the manufacturing sector survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

16/6/2012 Lailat-Ul-Isra' Wal Mi'raj (Islamic religious festival) - one of the most important dates of the Islamic calendar that celebrates the prophet Muhammad's night journey. 

16/6/2012 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji (Sikh anniversary). 

17/6/2012 Fathers' Day. 

22/6/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Computer Staff Salary Survey published. 

29/6/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

29/6/2012 HR & Compliance Centre health benefits survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  



1/7/2012 Pensions auto-enrolment safeguards in force. The safeguards include a prohibition on specified conduct during recruitment and on offering inducements, such as one-off bonuses, in return for workers opting out of a qualifying pension scheme. 

4/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre employment tribunals survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

6/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre absence triggers and targets survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

12/7/2012 Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen's Day) (NI bank holiday)Bank and public holidays 2012 (England and Wales)

13/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Engineers and Technicians Salary Survey data collection begins. 

13/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Core Business Salary Survey data collection begins (HR, sales and marketing, finance, general management). 

20/7/2012 Start of Ramadan (Islamic festival). 

22/7/2012 Sunday trading laws relaxed from 22 July to 9 September 2012 for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

27/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

27/7/2012 London 2012 Olympic Games take place 27 July to 12 August 2012. Olympics: employer guidance

27/7/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Actuaries Salary Survey data collection begins. 

29/7/2012 Tisha B'Av - Jewish day of fasting. 



5/8/2012 Directive on maternity allowance for self-employed women comes into force.  

6/8/2012 Summer bank holiday (Scotland).  

7/8/2012 Consultation on discrimination questionnaires and tribunals' recommendation powers in discrimination cases closes.  

12/8/2012 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony.  

17/8/2012 HR & Compliance Centre fit notes survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

19/8/2012 Eid Ul-Fitr (End of Ramadan) (Islamic festival).  

24/8/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

27/8/2012 August bank holiday.  

29/8/2012 London 2012 Paralympic Games take place 29 August to 9 September 2012.  



4/9/2012 Ladele and McFarlane v United Kingdom and Eweida and Chaplin v United Kingdom - Christian cases on appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. The applications deal with the cases of: two workers whose employers operated uniform policies that did not allow the wearing of crosses; a registrar who refused to carry out civil partnership ceremonies; and a Christian relationship counsellor who refused to counsel same-sex couples on sexual matters. The applications will argue that both sets of claimants' rights under art.9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) were infringed by their employers.  

6/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre pay prospects survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

6/9/2012 Consultation on securing compliance with real-time information closes. Find out more about real-time information on HR & Compliance Centre.  

7/9/2012 Call for evidence on the future of apprenticeships closes. 

9/9/2012 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony.  

10/9/2012 Scaled back vetting and barring scheme introduced.  

14/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Christmas and New Year working arrangements survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

14/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Computer Staff Salary Survey data collection begins.  

16/9/2012 Sunday trading restrictions for large shops resume

17/9/2012 Consultation on the national minimum wage closes.  

17/9/2012 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) - A Jewish day of rest.  

19/9/2012 Consultation on collective redundancies closes. 

24/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre sick pay survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

26/9/2012 Consultation on directors' remuneration reports closes. 

26/9/2012 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) (Jewish festival) – The holiest day of the year for religious Jews often involving a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer.  

28/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre bullying and harassment survey closes. Last chance to participate and receive a free copy of the research findings.  

28/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Distribution Salary Survey report published. 

28/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Housing Sector Salary Survey report published. 

28/9/2012 HR & Compliance Centre publishes its latest monthly review of pay settlement trends on, giving the going rate for pay deals across the economy and by sector. Click here to add your latest pay award to the HR & Compliance Centre pay database. 

30/9/2012 Second consultation on proposals to create a UK Bill of Rights closes. 



1/10/2012 Pensions auto-enrolment begins. The obligation to auto-enrol specified workers into a qualifying pension scheme and make employer contributions is being phased in, starting on 1 October 2012 for the largest employers. Prepare for pensions auto-enrolment with the help of this interactive Liveflo flowchart

1/10/2012 Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order 2010 comes into force. 

1/10/2012 The main rate of the national minimum wage increases from £6.08 to £6.19 per hour, the apprentice rate increases from £2.60 to £2.65 per hour, and the accommodation offset increases from £4.73 to 4.82 per day. 

1/10/2012 Sukkot (Tabernacles) (1st day) (Jewish festival) - Sukkot is the third of the three "Pilgrim Festivals" in the Jewish tradition (the other two are Passover and Shavuot). 

5/10/2012 Last possible retirement date for an employee under the statutory retirement procedure. 

12/10/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Engineers and Technicians Salary Survey published. 

16/10/2012 Navratri (1st day) - Hindu festival of worship and dance. 

19/10/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Voluntary Sector Salary Survey published. 

26/10/2012 Eid-Ul-Adha (Islamic holiday) - Islamic holiday of sacrifice and thanksgiving. 

26/10/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Top Charities Salary Survey published. 

31/10/2012 Halloween. 



2/11/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: HR Salary Survey published. 

5/11/2012 Bonfire night. 

7/11/2012 National Stress Awareness Day. 

9/11/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Finance Staff Salary Survey published. 

11/11/2012 Armistice day. 

13/11/2012 Diwali - Hindu festival of lights. 

15/11/2012 Al-Hijra (Islamic New Year). 

16/11/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Sales and Marketing Salary Survey published. 

23/11/2012 Consultation on ending the employment relationship closes. 

23/11/2012 Consultation on employment tribunal rules closes. 

24/11/2012 Ashura (Islamic day of commemoration). 

24/11/2012 Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji (Sikh anniversary) - Sikh anniversary commemorating Guru Tegh Bahadur. 

28/11/2012 Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (Lunar calendar) (Sikh anniversary) - Sikh anniversary commemorating Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism. 

30/11/2012 St Andrew's Day (Scottish bank holiday). 



9/12/2012 Hanukkah (1st day) (Jewish festival). 

14/12/2012 HR & Compliance Centre Salary Surveys: Computer Staff Salary Survey published. 

25/12/2012 Christmas Day (bank holiday). 

26/12/2012 Boxing Day (bank holiday).