Introducing Liveflo: the revolutionary compliance flowchart tool

XpertHR has launched Liveflo, a revolutionary new compliance flowchart tool for employers of all sizes. 

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, an HR professional or a manager or owner with HR responsibilities, Liveflo helps you handle staff issues easily and effectively in line with the law, avoiding costly mistakes and reducing the risk of employment tribunal claims, leaving you free to focus on achieving your organisation’s core objectives. 

Liveflo guides you step-by-step through example procedures to comply with employment law, using interactive flowcharts that set out the steps in each process, including decision points. And it offers legal guidance and help on each flowchart step, along with calculators (coming soon) and model policies, letters, forms and contract clauses that you can adapt for use in your own organisation. 

Introducing Liveflo: take the quick video tour
XpertHR group editor David Shepherd introduces Liveflo in a four-minute video tour (requires the Adobe Flash® Player plugin). 


Take the tour

Read the transcript of David's video presentation. 


Existing subscriber? Use Liveflo right now
If you are an XpertHR Professional or Small Business subscriber, Liveflo is now part of your subscription and you can start using it straight away. Simply click the Liveflo button on the main XpertHR navigation or go direct to Use your XpertHR username and password to log in.