Tribunal update: Substantial changes to working conditions after a TUPE transfer
HR & Compliance Centre provides a summary and the full transcript of two interesting recent employment tribunal rulings involving:
- a catering manager who took exception to being required to stick more strictly to contractual working hours after a TUPE transfer; and
- a heating engineer whose new employer had different types of client and required him to do more of his own administration work after a TUPE transfer.
Would you like to read case reports on a particular area of employment law? If so, please email employment law editor Stephen Simpson.
In the employment tribunals Access the HR & Compliance Centre archive of tribunal decisions, as well as longer round-ups of cases on a particular topic.
Employment tribunal decisions 25.03.13 to 31.03.13: Capita fails to provide agency workers information during redundancy consultation A round-up of links to stories about employment tribunal rulings reported in the week beginning 25 March 2013, including an award of 45 days' pay to 36 call centre workers for Capita's failure to provide Unison with information on agency workers when consulting on proposed redundancies.