Asociación Nacional de Grandes Empresas de Distribución (Anged) v Federación de Asociaciones Sindicales (Fasga) and others [2012] IRLR 779 ECJ
(1 report relating to this case)
Aspden v Webbs Poultry & Meat Group (Holdings) Ltd [1996] IRLR 521 HC
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 15 November 1996
In Aspden v Webbs Poultry & Meat Group (Holdings) Ltd, the High Court implies a term into an employee's contract of employment providing that, save for summary dismissal, the employer would not terminate the contract while the employee was incapacitated for work.
Assamoi v Spirit Pub Company (Services) Ltd (formerly known as Punch Pub Co Ltd) EAT/0050/11
(1 report relating to this case)
Associated British Ports v Bridgeman [2012] IRLR 639 EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223 CA
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 31 December 1948
In Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 233 CA, the Court of Appeal held that, when considering whether a local authority with unlimited powers has acted reasonably in the exercise of those powers, the court is entitled to investigate the action of the authority only with a view to seeing if it has taken into account any matters that ought not to have been taken into account or that ought to have been disregarded.
Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) v United Kingdom [2007] IRLR 361 ECHR
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 30 May 2007
In Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) v United Kingdom [2007] IRLR 361, a case of competing rights of association under art. 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights, a trade union's right to expel a member of the BNP because his values conflicted fundamentally with its own outweighed the individual's right to membership of the union.
Atkins v Coyle Personnel plc [2008] IRLR 420 EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 14 April 2008
In Atkins v Coyle Personnel plc EAT/0206/07, the EAT held that, for an employee to claim successfully that his dismissal was related to the fact that he had taken paternity leave, there must be a causal link between the dismissal and the leave.
Atos Origin IT Services UK Ltd v Haddock [2005] IRLR 20 EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and others [2010] IRLR 70 CA
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 10 February 2010
In Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and others [2010] IRLR 70 CA, the Court of Appeal held that a group of car valeters were employees, despite the fact that their written contracts with the valeting company stated that they were independent contractors, and contained clauses allowing "substitution of labour" and the "right to refuse work".
Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and others [2011] IRLR 820 SC
(1 report relating to this case)
This decision from the Supreme Court, the highest court in the UK, is the leading decision on when tribunals and courts may look outside the terms of employment to determine the true nature of the agreement, where reality does not match the contractual position. It replaces previous narrower case law that suggested that a finding that a contract was in part a sham required that both parties intended it to “paint a false picture as to the true nature of their respective obligations”.
- Date:
- 4 August 2011
The Supreme Court has affirmed that, where a party asserts that a written term does not reflect the reality of the agreement, tribunals and courts may look outside the terms to determine the true nature of the agreement.