Beat v (1) Devon County Council (2) West and East Putford Primary School EAT/0534/05 (1 report relating to this case)
Beck v United Closures & Plastics plc [2000] CS (1 report relating to this case)
Beckmann v Dynamco Whicheloe Macfarlane Ltd [2002] IRLR 578 ECJ (1 report relating to this case)
BECTU v City Screen Ltd (TUR1/309/2003) CAC (1 report relating to this case)
Bednarz v Moving Services Group UK Ltd [2011] ET/2704115/2010 (1 report relating to this case)
Bellinfantie v British Rail [1993] IT/22829/92 (1 report relating to this case)
Bellingham v Secession Ltd [2006] All ER (D) 62 (Jan) EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Berwick Salmon Fisheries Co Ltd v Rutherford and others [1991] IRLR 203 EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Bestuur van het Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds v Beune [1995] IRLR 103 ECJ (1 report relating to this case)
Betriebsrat der Bofrost Josef H Boquoi Deutschland West GmbH & Co KG v Bofrost Josef H Boquoi Deutschland West GmbH & Co KG [2001] IRLR 403 ECJ (1 report relating to this case)