Miss A and Miss B v R1 and R2 [1994] IT/55253/93 (1 report relating to this case)
MITIE Managed Services Ltd v French and others [2002] IRLR 512 EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Mohmed v West Coast Trains Ltd EAT/0682/06 (1 report relating to this case)
Monaghan v Close Thornton Solicitors [2002] All ER (D) 288 (Feb) EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Monie v Coral Racing Ltd [1980] IRLR 464 CA (1 report relating to this case)
Montgomery v Johnson Underwood Ltd [2001] IRLR 269 CA (1 report relating to this case)
Morgan v Staffordshire University [2002] IRLR 190 EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Moroak t/a Blake Envelopes v Cromie [2005] IRLR 535 EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Morris v Home Office and others [2005] All ER (D) 384 (Feb) EAT (1 report relating to this case)
Morris v Walsh Western UK Ltd [1997] IRLR 562 EAT (1 report relating to this case)