R (on the application of Age UK) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2009] EWHC 2336 HC (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of Amicus - MSF section and others) v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and Christian Action Research Education and others [2004] IRLR 430 HC (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of G) v Governors of X School and Y City Council [2011] IRLR 756 SC (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of Kirk) v Middlesbrough Council and another [2010] IRLR 699 HC (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of Puri) v Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Trust [2011] IRLR 582 HC (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of Shoesmith) v Ofsted and others [2011] IRLR 679 CA (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of the Incorporated Trustees of the National Council on Ageing (Age Concern England)) v Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [2009] IRLR 373 ECJ (1 report relating to this case)
R (on the application of Ultraframe (UK) Ltd) v Central Arbitration Committee [2005] IRLR 641 CA (1 report relating to this case)
R v Attorney General for Northern Ireland ex parte Burns [1999] IRLR 315 NIHC (1 report relating to this case)
R v British Coal Corporation and Secretary of State for Trade and Industry ex parte Vardy and others [1993] IRLR 104 HC (1 report relating to this case)