Sindicato de Médicos de Asistencia Pública (SIMAP) v Conselleria de Sanidad y Consumo de la Generalidad Valenciana [2000] IRLR 845 ECJ
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 1 November 2000
In Sindicato de Médicos de Asistencia Pública (Simap) v Conselleria de Sanidad y Consumo de la Generalidad Valenciana, the ECJ rules that all of the time spent on call by teams of doctors providing primary care at health centres was "working time", within the meaning of the EC Working Time Directive, if they were required to be at the health centres.
Singh v London Borough of Ealing [1995] IT/28914/89
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 1 June 1995
An Asian job applicant who was rejected despite being "the outstanding candidate" for a jobshare vacancy that could have been "tailor-made" for him, was unlawfully discriminated against, holds a London (North) industrial tribunal (Chair: P R K Menon) in Singh v London Borough of Ealing.
SITA UK Ltd v Hope EAT/0787/04
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 3 February 2006
We review recent significant equal pay cases and their implications. Developments of note include the application of the "single source" test to comparators within an employment unit, and a reference to the ECJ on whether use of length of service as a pay system criterion requires specific objective justification.
Sivanandan v Enfield London Borough Council [2005] All ER (D) 169 (Jan) CA
(1 report relating to this case)
Sivanandan v Enfield London Borough Council [2005] All ER (D) 57 (Sep) EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
Skiggs v South West Trains Ltd [2005] IRLR 459 EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 13 May 2005
In Skiggs v South West Trains Ltd, the EAT holds that the employment tribunal was entitled to hold, on the facts, that an investigative meeting concerning a grievance about an employee who had previously been disciplined was not a disciplinary hearing for the purpose of s.10 of the Employment Relations Act 1999.
Skills Development Scotland Co Ltd v Buchanan and others EATS/0042/10
(1 report relating to this case)
Slade and others v TNT (UK) Ltd EAT/0113/11
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 22 September 2011
The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that, where an employer offers an incentive to employees to secure agreement to variation of their contracts, it is reasonable not to offer that benefit as part of an offer of re-engagement following dismissals for failure to agree.
Slaney v Culina Logistick GMBH (trading as Cullina Logistics) [2005] All ER (D) 181 (Nov) EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
Small and others v Boots Co plc and another [2009] IRLR 328 EAT
(1 report relating to this case)
- Date:
- 27 April 2009
In Small and others v Boots Co and another [2009] All ER (D) 200 (Jan) EAT, the EAT held that the fact that the employer had stated that a bonus was discretionary did not necessarily mean that it had no contractual effect. The employer's discretion could relate to: whether or not to operate a bonus system at all; whether or not to award a bonus in a given year; or the amount of bonus to be awarded.