Employment law cases

Cases within Y

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    Yaqub v Durham County Cricket Club [1994] IT/48288/93 (1 report relating to this case)

    • Cricketer's rejection not race bias

      1 December 1994

      A young cricketer who, when using his own name, was refused a trial with Durham County Cricket Club but was not refused when he used an anglicised name, was not discriminated against on grounds of race, rules a Newcastle-upon-Tyne industrial tribunal (Chair: J D Myers) in Yaqub v Durham County Cricket Club. The two letters requesting a trial, were "dissimilar", said the tribunal, and "required different and distinct answers".

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    Yeboah v Crofton [2002] IRLR 634 CA (1 report relating to this case)

    • Yeboah v Crofton

      1 September 2002

      In Yeboah v Crofton [2002] IRLR 634 CA, the Court of Appeal held that an employee can be made personally liable for acts of unlawful discrimination committed by him or her in the course of his or her employment against a fellow employee, even though the employer is held not to be legally liable for its conduct because it took reasonably practicable steps to prevent its employee from doing the act in question.

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    Yemm and others v British Steel plc [1994] IRLR 117 EAT (1 report relating to this case)

    • Wages Act: Tribunal must decide contractual entitlement

      15 November 1993

      Where employees argue that they have not received the full pay to which they are entitled and that this amounts to an unlawful deduction under the Wages Act, the industrial tribunal must first determine any dispute about what wages are properly payable under the contract, the EAT confirms in Yemm and others v British Steel plc.

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    York v Olan Mills Incorporated [1994] IT/3637/94 (1 report relating to this case)

    • US citizen's dismissal discriminatory

      1 December 1994

      Rejecting a s. 41 defence, a Bury St Edmunds industrial tribunal (Chair: J Barnes) in York v Olan Mills Incorporated rules that the dismissal of a US citizen working for a US company in the UK when she refused to relocate back to the USA was unlawful race discrimination. Finding that the employee was also unfairly dismissed, the tribunal awarded compensation totalling almost £22,000.

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    Young v Canadian Northern Railway Company Limited [1931] AC 83 JCPC (1 report relating to this case)

    • Young v Canadian Northern Railway Company

      31 December 1931

      In Young v Canadian Northern Railway Company Limited [1931] AC 83 JCPC, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council decided that a collective agreement was not intended to be legally binding between the parties to it. In addition it held that the employee could not claim that those parts of the agreement concerning employee benefits were automatically included in his contract.

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    Young v Corus UK Ltd [2005] All ER (D) 373 (Nov) EAT (1 report relating to this case)

    • Points of procedure

      30 December 2005

      A review of recent significant cases on practice and procedure in the tribunals, EAT, Court of Appeal and Court of Session.

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    Young v University of Edinburgh EAT/244/93 (1 report relating to this case)

    • Administrative error justifies pay difference

      1 March 1995

      In Young v University of Edinburgh the EAT finds that an employer can establish a defence to an equal pay claim by showing that the difference in pay was genuinely due to an administrative error, which the employer could not rectify without creating further anomalies.