Employment law cases

All items: Collective bargaining and agreements

  • Félix Palacios de la Villa v Cortefiel Servicios SA

    17 October 2007

    In FĂ©lix Palacios de la Villa v Cortefiel Servicios SA Case C-411/05, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has given its judgment that the Equal Treatment Directive (2000/78/EC) does not preclude a Spanish law permitting clauses in collective agreements that allow employees to be compulsorily retired when they reach a specified age.

  • Bull and another v Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority; Lincolnshire County Council v Fire Brigades Union and others

    20 March 2007

    In Bull and another v Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority; Lincolnshire County Council v Fire Brigades Union and others [2007] All ER (D) 372 (Feb) CA, the Court of Appeal has held that it is not part of fire-fighters' normal contractual duties under a collective agreement to go to accidents and emergencies that would normally be dealt with by ambulance crews.

  • Trade unions: CAC has jurisdiction to order re-run of ballot

    12 August 2005

    In R (on the application of Ultraframe (UK) Ltd) v Central Arbitration Committee, the Court of Appeal holds that the role of the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) had been intended by parliament to be a decision-making body in a specialist area not suitable for the intervention of the courts.

  • Contracts of employment: 'No compulsory redundancy' agreement merely aspirational

    11 February 2005

    In Kaur v MG Rover Group Ltd, the Court of Appeal held that a provision in a collective agreement saying there would be no compulsory redundancies was no more than an aspirational statement and could not be incorporated into individual contracts of employment.

  • Griffiths and another v Salisbury District Council

    31 December 2004

    In Griffiths and another v Salisbury District Council [2004] All ER (D) 104 (Feb) CA, the Court of Appeal held that the Implementation Agreement reached as part of the establishment of the new national agreement setting up the National Joint Council for Local Government Services formed part of the contracts of employment of the council's employees. The results of a regrading exercise that was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Implementation Agreement were therefore incorporated into the employees' contracts of employment as legally binding terms.

  • Contracts of employment: Collectively "agreed" variation to terms not valid

    2 July 2004

    In South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council v Graham, the EAT holds that a "local agreement", for the purposes of the National Joint Council for Local Government Employees' collective bargaining agreement, should be construed as meaning either an agreement by all the locally recognised trade unions, or an agreement that has been determined by a process agreed by all the recognised unions.

  • Transfer of undertakings: Transferee contractually obliged to pay nationally agreed public sector wage rises

    19 September 2003

    In Glendale Managed Services v Graham and others the Court of Appeal holds that a transferee employer of a local authority undertaking was under a contractual obligation to increase an employee's pay in accordance with nationally agreed rates.

  • Contracts of employment: Clear evidence of custom and practice covers all contractual terms

    30 December 2002

    In Henry and others v London General Transport Services Ltd, the Court of Appeal holds that, whereas clear evidence is required that a custom and practice has been incorporated into individual contracts of employment by virtue of the collective bargaining between an employer and the recognised trade union, such a custom and practice, once established, can be expected to cover all contractual terms.

  • Union recognition: Employee bound by agreement made with shop steward

    7 October 2002

    In Harris v Richard Lawson Autologistics Ltd, the Court of Appeal holds that a shop steward had apparent or ostensible authority to negotiate an agreement on holiday pay on behalf of TGWU members he represented, notwithstanding that, on the assumed facts of the case, the agreement was not put to the members, and was concluded in contravention of TGWU standing instructions.

  • Case roundup: Unfair dismissal and redundancy

    This week's case roundup, covering unfair dismissal and redundancy procedures laid down in collective agreements.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to collective bargaining and agreements.