Employment law cases

All items: Breach of contract

  • Case round-up

    Helen Samuel, associate solicitor and Anna Bridges, associate solicitor, at Addleshaw Goddard, detail the latest rulings.

  • Contracts of employment: Express variation provision allowed employer to impose new pay arrangements without consent

    13 April 2010

    In Bateman and others v Asda Stores Ltd EAT/0221/09, the EAT held that the employer was entitled to change its employees' pay arrangements without their consent because it had reserved a clear contractual right to make unilateral variations to their terms and conditions of employment.

  • Case round-up

    Susannah Jarvis (associate) and Kate Williams (professional support lawyer), Addleshaw Goddard, analyse important recent rulings.

  • TUPE: Requirement to move to location outside scope of mobility clause in original contract was fundamental breach of contract

    11 November 2009

    In Tapere v South London and Maudsley NHS Trust EAT/0410/08, the EAT held that, in requiring a transferred employee to move to a location outside the scope of the mobility clause in her original contract of employment with the transferor, the transferee had acted in fundamental breach of contract. The employee's subsequent resignation therefore amounted to a constructive dismissal. Further, the transferee's attempt to move her place of work amounted to a substantial change in her working conditions to her material detriment. She was, therefore, also entitled to be treated as having been dismissed under reg.4(9) of the TUPE Regulations.

  • Case of the week: Garden leave

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers garden leave.

  • Case of the week: Varying contracts of employment

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers varying contracts of employment.

  • TUPE case law update

    27 February 2008

    This article looks at some of the important judgments in the area of the transfer of undertakings over the past year.

  • Transfer of undertakings: TUPE confers no additional rights on employees

    11 January 2008

    In Jackson v Computershare Investor Services plc [2007] EWCA Civ 1065, the Court of Appeal ruled that the provision in the TUPE Regulations to the effect that a transferred contract of employment will have effect after the transfer as if originally made between the employee and the transferee could not be construed so as to give the employee a contractual benefit to which she had not been entitled under her original contract.

  • Contracts of employment: Notice rights on expiry of probationary period

    8 August 2007

    In Przybylska v Modus Telecom Ltd EAT/0566/06 the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that a tribunal was wrong to imply into a contract a term that the employer could carry out a review of the probationary period within a reasonable time of the expiry of the probationary period.

  • TUPE: Share transfers

    11 July 2007

    In Millam v The Print Factory (London) 1991 Ltd [2007] IRLR 526 CA, the Court of Appeal held that where the operation - as opposed to the ownership of a business - transferred to a new owner, TUPE applied notwithstanding that the business was acquired on a sale of shares.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to breach of contract.