Employment law cases

Unfair dismissal categories

All items: Unfair dismissal

  • TUPE: Share transfers

    11 July 2007

    In Millam v The Print Factory (London) 1991 Ltd [2007] IRLR 526 CA, the Court of Appeal held that where the operation - as opposed to the ownership of a business - transferred to a new owner, TUPE applied notwithstanding that the business was acquired on a sale of shares.

  • Unfair dismissal: Assessment of compensation

    27 June 2007

    In Software 2000 Ltd v Andrews and others EAT/0533/06 the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that where a procedurally unfair dismissal has not been rendered fair by the operation of s.98A(2) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, the tribunal must nevertheless consider if there is evidence to suggest that a fair procedure might have led to dismissal, thereby justifying a percentage reduction in compensation under Polkey.

  • Unfair dismissal: Expired disciplinary warnings must be disregarded for all purposes

    13 June 2007

    In Airbus UK v Webb EAT/0453/06 the EAT has held that where an employee was dismissed for gross misconduct, but would not have been dismissed but for the fact that he had an expired final written warning on his record, the dismissal was unfair. The result of the expiry of the warning was that he was entitled to be treated as though he had no disciplinary record at all.

  • Whistleblowing: Worker's 'reasonable belief' need not be factually correct

    13 June 2007

    In Babula v Waltham Forest College [2007] IRLR 346 the Court of Appeal held that to qualify for protection from detriment or dismissal for whistleblowing, a worker must hold a "reasonable belief" that the information disclosed tends to show that a criminal offence will be committed or that there will be non-compliance with a legal obligation.

  • Case of the week: TUPE transfers

    This week's case of the week, provided by Covington & Burling, covers TUPE transfers.

  • Fixed-term contracts: Reinstatement after appeal does not extend fixed-term contract beyond original expiry date

    26 February 2007

    In Prakash v Wolverhampton City Council EAT/0140/06, the Employment Appeal Tribunal holds that where a fixed-term contractor's dismissal for misconduct was overturned by an appeal decided after the expiry date of the contract, the effect of the successful appeal was to reinstate the terms of the original contract. It could not extend the life of the contract beyond its expiry date.

  • Unfair dismissal compensation: Norton Tool not general authority for awarding more than actual loss

    16 February 2007

    In Burlo v Langley and another [2006] EWCA Civ 1778 the Court of Appeal holds that an employee's compensation for lack of notice was restricted to her actual loss where she would have been in receipt of statutory sick pay during the notice period.

  • Metrobus Ltd v Cook

    14 February 2007

    In Metrobus Ltd v Cook EAT/0490/06, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that an employment tribunal did not err in increasing the amount of unfair dismissal compensation by 40% where an employer had failed to follow the statutory disciplinary and dismissal procedure.

  • TUPE case law update

    2 February 2007

    This article looks at some of the important judgments in the area of the transfer of undertakings over the past year.

  • Unfair dismissal: Covert recordings of disciplinary panel's private deliberations inadmissible

    19 January 2007

    In Chairman and Governors of Amwell View School v Dogherty EAT/0243/06, the Employment Appeal Tribunal holds that an employment tribunal was not entitled to admit as evidence in unfair dismissal proceedings recordings of a disciplinary panel's private deliberations.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to unfair dismissal.