Employment law cases

All items: Pay in lieu of notice

  • Breach of contract: Employer was liable to make payment in lieu of notice without deduction for mitigation

    15 September 1999

    A provision of a contract of employment, which entitled the employer to terminate the contract either by giving the employee notice or summarily on paying him in lieu of notice, did not give the employer a third option of giving no notice and making no, or less than full, payment, holds the EAT in Cerberus Software Ltd v Rowley.

  • Contracts of employment: Employee entitled to notice pay despite working for competitor

    15 June 1998

    An employee's contract of employment continued after an exchange of letters between the employee, giving one month's notice of termination, and her employer, confirming that it did not want her to work out her notice period and that her salary would be paid in lieu at the end of the notice period, holds the Court of Appeal in Hutchings v Coinseed Ltd.

  • Wages Act: Pay in lieu of notice not covered by Wages Act

    1 April 1992

    In Delaney v Staples t/a De Montfort Recruitment, the House of Lords holds that a payment in lieu of notice, paid by an employer when terminating employment without notice, is not "wages"; and so cannot be the subject of a complaint to an industrial tribunal under the Wages Act 1986.

  • Wages Act: Pay in lieu of notice is not "wages"

    25 January 1991

    In the first Wages Act case to come before the Court of Appeal - Delaney v Staples t/a De Montfort Recruitment - the Court rules that a payment in lieu of notice is not "wages" and so cannot be the subject of a complaint under the Act.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to pay in lieu of notice.