In Taneja v Phoenix Whirlpools Ltd, an employment tribunal held that the employer had subjected a sales manager to harassment related to his race when the new sales director got his name wrong on four occasions during a "toxic" car journey.
In Finn v The British Bung Manufacturing Company Ltd and another, an employment tribunal held that the male electrician had been subjected to harassment related to sex when the shift supervisor called him "bald" during a heated exchange.
In Forstater v CGD Europe and others, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the consultant's belief that sex is biologically immutable amounts to a philosophical belief within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010.
In Allay (UK) Ltd v Gehlen, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the employer's diversity training was not sufficient to amount to a "reasonable steps" defence in a claim of racial harassment committed by one of its employees.
In Crompton v Eden Private Staff Ltd, an employment tribunal found that jibes made by employees to a 57-year-old colleague about Alzheimer's and "senior moments" constituted harassment under the Equality Act 2010.
In Adenusi v London Underground Ltd, an employment tribunal held that the employee's dismissal for sexual harassment was unfair because the employer did not carry out a reasonable investigation.