Employment law cases

Premiums and allowances categories

All items: Premiums and allowances

  • Boots unlawfully reduced long-serving workers' pay premium for Sundays and bank holidays

    In this case, the retailer Boots took a business decision to reduce long-serving workers' double time for Sunday and bank holiday working to time-and-a-half, but the employment tribunal found this to be an unlawful variation of the workers' terms and conditions of employment.

  • Case round-up

    Dinu Suntook, Cane Pickersgill and Poppy Fildes are all associates at Addleshaw Goddard. They round up the latest rulings.

  • ECJ: British Airways pilots' holiday pay should include flying allowances

    20 September 2011

    The European Court of Justice has considered whether or not "normal remuneration" during a period of annual leave should include allowances on top of basic pay, in the context of a dispute over how the holiday pay of British Airways pilots who are paid flying allowances as well as basic pay should be calculated. 

  • Case round-up

    Claire Benson is managing associate and Caroline Jacobs and Chris McAvoy are associates at Addleshaw Goddard LLP. They round up the latest rulings.

  • Smith v Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust

    9 December 2009

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a sleep-in payment was not an allowance for the purpose of the national minimum wage. Therefore it should not be excluded from the calculation of the hourly rate paid by the employer.

  • Lucy and others v British Airways plc

    19 January 2009

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that an employment tribunal did not have jurisdiction to hear claims against British Airways for non-payment of flying allowances to cabin crew who had not been able to fly because of an airport closure.

  • Holiday pay: Holiday pay to include attendance and performance bonus

    16 February 2007

    In May Gurney Ltd v Adshead and others EAT/0150/06 the Employment Appeal Tribunal holds that the remuneration of employees entitled to a perfomance bonus "does vary with the amount of work done". Accordingly the amount of a week's pay for the purpose of calculating holiday pay will be determined by taking the employees' average pay over the 12 weeks preceding their holiday.

  • British Airways Plc v Noble and another

    12 May 2006

    In British Airways plc v Noble and another [2006] IRLR 533 CA, the Court of Appeal has held that a reduction of 4/52 in employees' shift pay, spread evenly throughout the year, is not a breach of the Working Time Regulations 1998.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to premiums and allowances.