Using AI Assist

What is AI Assist?

AI Assist applies generative AI to answer user-submitted questions on HR and employment law. The answers are sourced from trusted, up-to-date, and expert-curated HR & Compliance Centre resources.

How do I use AI Assist?

Once you navigate to AI Assist, you can start a new conversation or review your conversation history. Once you submit a question, AI Assist will provide you with the following:

  • An answer generated from a single, up-to-date resource, which AI Assist has used as its basis after scanning the top search results.
  • 2-3 suggested follow-up questions.
  • In the event that an answer is not generated, AI Assist will provide links to the top 5 search results.

What sources are used by AI Assist?

AI Assist uses a chat interface and search-engine supported Generative AI model to retrieve the most accurate, up-to-date answers to your HR and employment law questions, directly from our trusted and reliable data source, the Brightmine HR & Compliance Centre. 

AI Assist is powered by HR & Compliance Centre search and is designed to answer HR and compliance questions at the time a question is submitted. For this reason, any resource types that include dated or future information (e.g., News, Survey analysis, and Legal timetable) have been excluded from AI Assist search results.

Do you have any suggestions regarding question wording?

Whether you are starting a conversation or replying to an existing one, follow these best practices:

  • A question or command likely will generate more answers than simply typing in keywords.
  • Beginning your question with "Write…"  or "Generate" may generate more answers than beginning your prompt with "I need…"

Please refer to our question library for additional suggestions.

How do I start a new conversation?

Simply begin typing in the "Start a new conversation…" text box to ask a question.

How do I reply to a conversation?

Once you have received an answer, simply click reply to continue a conversation. Type your reply into the "Reply to the conversation" text box.

How do I regenerate a response?

You can click the "Regenerate" button to rephrase a response. For example, you may wish to make it clearer or to receive a differently worded reply.

Does AI Assist provide any follow-up questions?

AI Assist will suggest two or three follow-up questions. Simply click on a follow-up question to generate an answer to continue the conversation.

Does AI Assist show my conversation history?

Conversation history allows you to go back and review or re-submit any messages within the conversation. AI Assist keeps a record of an earlier conversation so that you have the option to go back and continue that conversation. AI Assist retains up to 20 questions.

Do I use AI Assist exclusively in place of site search and filters?

AI Assist answers are generated in under 10 seconds and could save significant amounts of research time. AI Assist generates an answer from a single, updated, expert-curated resource. In the event no answer is returned, you will receive the top 5 search results based on AI Assist's review of the content.

You will be able to reply to a conversation, maintaining the context of the question. Finally, you will have access to previous conversations in case you need to go back and revisit an issue.

Site search continues to help you with issues that require depth of research, including if:

  • Multiple resources would be needed to inform complex business decisions.
  • Historical or trending analysis is required, such as survey data or past news articles.