
Quick, up-to-date and accurate statutory redundancy pay and maternity leave and pay calculators, making short work of complex HR calculations

This tool will:

  • Enable you to calculate statutory redundancy pay quickly and accurately.
  • Provide all the information for a comprehensive written redundancy pay statement.
  • Make checking maternity pay eligibility and maternity leave dates quick and easy.

Maternity leave and pay

  • Maternity notification deadline calculator

    An up-to-date, accurate maternity dates calculator. Use this calculator to calculate by when a pregnant employee must provide their official maternity notification and the earliest they can start their maternity leave.

  • Additional maternity leave end date calculator

    An up-to-date, accurate additional maternity leave end date calculator. Use this calculator to calculate when an employee's maternity leave will end if she takes all her statutory maternity leave entitlement.

  • Maternity pay service eligibility calculator

    An up-to-date, accurate maternity pay eligibility calculator. Use this calculator to calculate if an employee has worked for the organisation for long enough to qualify for statutory maternity pay.

  • Maternity pay earnings eligibility calculator

    An up-to-date, accurate maternity pay eligibility calculator. Use this calculator to calculate if an employee earns enough to qualify for statutory maternity pay, where they are paid weekly on the same day or monthly on the same date.

  • Statutory maternity pay calculator

    Updated to reflect the weekly rate of statutory maternity pay effective from 7 April 2024.
