Employers failing to target benefits by age and gender

Almost half of employers offer the same range of benefits to all staff, despite 76% saying staff have requested more targeted perks.

The survey from Towergate Health & Protection found that 44% of employers offer the same benefits regardless of age, lifestyle or risk profile, while 40% offer the same regardless of gender.

Over half (54%) have had requests from different age groups for support specific to their age, and 49% have received requests for gender-specific support, it found.

The main reason for not offering more personalised benefits, according to 70% of respondents, was that this would be too complicated.

Debra Clark, head of wellbeing for Towergate Health & Protection said: "It may seem surprising that three-quarters of employers are asked for targeted health and wellbeing support, but that four in 10 employers do not provide this.

"The reality is, however, that knowing how and where to direct benefits spend is a complex matter that requires expertise."

Clark added that the rapid evolution of benefits meant support was now available for issues such as neurodiversity, fertility and menopause which, while positive, made benefits more challenging to navigate.

She said: "Benefits are constantly being advanced to offer more specific support for more specific needs. This is a good thing for employees and employers alike but both are likely to need some expert guidance to navigate the system."

Clark explained that overcoming this complexity could help employers stand out in terms of recruitment and retention, as well as support absence management by preventing employees from getting ill in the first place.

She added: "Employers should not be put off from the idea of targeting support more specifically to their employees. With a bit of assistance, they will be able to make their health and wellbeing support more effective and cost-efficient, with benefits to recruitment, retention, engagement and productivity."