Yvonne Frederiksen

Yvonne Frederiksen advises on all aspects of labour and employment law with a special focus on discrimination law, industrial relations, restrictive covenants, and health and safety law.
Yvonne is a leading expert on discrimination law and the author of several books. She acts exclusively for the employer/management side. Yvonne is co-chair of the Ius Laboris International Practice Group on Discrimination, and vice-chair of the Danish Association of Labour and Employment Lawyers (Ansættelsesadvokater). She is also a member of the expert panel on employment law under the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (Advokatsamfundet). She is a frequent speaker at conferences and engages in teaching activities in various contexts, including for the Association of Danish Law Firms (Danske Advokater) and the Danish Centre for Legal Training (JUC). Yvonne was granted the right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court in 2005.
Norrbom Vinding