Commentary and insights

All items: Dismissal

  • Employment Rights Bill: Eight things HR needs to know

    18 July 2024

    During the state opening of Parliament, the Government trailed its Employment Rights Bill, which will make wide-ranging and radical changes to employment law in the coming years. In advance of the publication of the full text of the Employment Rights Bill, what do HR professionals need to know about what is in store for them?

  • Labour takes charge: Employment law changes likely to impact HR

    5 July 2024

    The UK has a new Government - what are the implications for the people profession? In our recent webinar, we set out the top 10 possible employment law changes heralded by the election - and then asked attendees to tell us which of these changes were likely to have the biggest impact on their organisations. Here we count down the top three most significant proposals, as voted by HR professionals.

  • General election 2024: What might a Labour Government mean for employers?

    29 May 2024

    With a general election confirmed for 4 July 2024, senior legal editor Fiona Cuming looks at two key areas where Labour's employment law proposals, if implemented, would transform the face of employment law in the UK and have significant implications for employers.

  • When a working relationship breaks down: Action points for employers

    22 April 2024

    Part-time employment judge Tina Elliott looks at how to achieve a fair dismissal when a working relationship breaks down.

  • April 2024 employment law changes: Eight-point checklist for HR

    26 March 2024

    With a raft of employment law changes taking effect in April 2024, we provide a final reminder for HR professionals of what their organisation needs to do to comply with the new and amended employment laws. This April, the challenges for HR include: the introduction of carer's leave; reforms to the right to request flexible working; and updated rules on timing and notice to take paternity leave.

  • Employment law changes 2024: Progress report for HR

    10 January 2024

    As we plunge into a new year, HR professionals could be forgiven for losing track of all the upcoming employment law changes and what they mean for their organisation. To assist HR with planning for 2024 and beyond, we round up the major legislative changes in the pipeline.

  • April 2023 employment law changes: Four tasks for HR

    24 March 2023

    HR professionals must ensure that their organisation is on top of the raft of employment law developments in April 2023. These changes include rises in national minimum wage rates, gender pay gap reporting deadlines, and increases to statutory redundancy pay and maternity pay.

  • Employment law 2023: six key tasks for HR

    13 January 2023

    We look at what HR needs to do to meet its employment law obligations and prepare for the coming year.

  • Employment law changes 2022: Mid-year progress report for HR

    1 July 2022

    As we reach the midpoint of 2022, HR professionals would be forgiven for losing track of all the live employment law proposals and what they mean for their organisation. To assist HR with planning for the rest of the year and beyond, we round up the major employment law changes in the pipeline as of mid-2022.

  • P&O Ferries scandal: Will a statutory "fire and rehire" code prevent a repeat?

    10 May 2022

    The Government has said that it intends to publish a new statutory code of practice on "fire and rehire". Consultant editor Darren Newman asks whether the code would be sufficient to clamp down on unscrupulous employers that want to impose new terms and conditions on staff through dismissal and reengagement.

About this category

Commentary and insights: HR and legal information and guidance relating to dismissal.