This article looks at the framework providing protection to staff transferring out of and between local authorities, in addition to that provided by TUPE.
Consultant editor Darren Newman looks at a recent decision highlighting the potential danger in proceeding with a disciplinary hearing where the employee's chosen companion is not available - even where the requested postponement falls outside the period allowed for under the statutory right to be accompanied.
This article looks at local authority discipline and dismissal procedures for senior officers, and the involvement of councillors in other disciplinary action.
Consultant editor Darren Newman considers the implications of a recent case involving a Jamaican bus driver who was dismissed when he could not provide the required documentation during his employer's audit of its workforce's right to work in the UK.
With large parts of the UK having experienced heavy snowfall, we answer five common questions from employers on the workplace impact of severe weather conditions.
Consultant editor Darren Newman considers a recent indirect sex discrimination case that highlights the problems that an employer can face when it has to balance the working-pattern requests of individual employees against the needs of the workforce as a whole, and its need to provide an effective service.