International - The complete list

Our popular International tool provides key information of a country's employment law across the entire employment lifecycle from recruitment to termination of employment. Across our other tools, we have useful guidance that can assist global employers with their HR policies, procedures and practices, and UK employers with an international workforce. 

Focus of 2024: Retirement and the pensionable age 

Rocio Carracedo Lopez Ronelle Barreto

Understanding when employees are legally entitled to retire and receive their full pension benefits is a complex task. The starting point is calculating the pensionable and retirement ages, a process that varies considerably around the world. The new global retirement and pensionable age comparative table and commentary and insight article on retirement and the pensionable age should simplify matters for global employers.

Rocio Carracedo Lopez and Ronelle Barreto, Brightmine

Commentary and insights

Comparative tables

Contract clauses and policies


Global guide for employers

"How to" guides

International guides


Asia-Pacific (APAC)

Central, North and South America


Leading practice guides

Letters and forms

Podcasts and webinars

Quick reference
