Model policies: The complete list
Our popular Policies and procedures tool provides an unparalleled selection of model policies to help you create and maintain a staff handbook for your organisation.
Appearance and behaviour
- Dress and appearance policy
- Personal relationships at work policy
- Political activity at work policy
- Work-related social events policy
Capability, disciplinary and grievance
Data protection
Dispute resolution
Employee wellbeing
- Alcohol or drug misuse policy
- Employee assistance programme policy
- Health and wellbeing policy
- Menopause policy
- Menstruation (period) policy
- Supporting staff experiencing domestic abuse policy
Equality diversity and inclusion (EDI)
- Anti-harassment and anti-bullying policy
- Assistance dogs at work policy
- Equal pay policy
- Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy
- Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) statement for job advert (short form)
- Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) statement (long form)
- Global anti-harassment and anti-bullying policy
- Neurodiversity policy (New)
- Supporting employees with HIV and AIDS policy
- Supporting religious observance at work policy
- Transgender and non-binary equality policy
Family-friendly rights
Adoption leave
- Parental bereavement leave policy
- Supporting bereaved employees policy
- Supporting employees experiencing pregnancy loss policy
- Carers policy (final draft reflecting introduction of carer's leave)
- Supporting foster carers policy
Maternity leave
Paternity leave
Shared parental leave
Flexible working
- Compressed hours policy
- Flexible working requests policy
- Flexitime policy
- Global flexible working policy
- Hybrid working policy
- Permanent homeworking policy
- Shift-swap policy
Health and safety
- Accident investigation policy
- Alcohol and drug testing policy
- Control of substances hazardous to health policy
- Display screen equipment policy
- Eye and eyesight testing policy
- First-aid policy
- Hazard identification and risk assessment policy
- Health and safety induction training policy
- Health and safety policy statement
- Infectious diseases at work policy
- Lone working policy
- Manual handling policy
- Personal protective equipment policy
- Safe car travel policy
- Safe overseas travel policy
- Smoking policy
- Violence/aggression at work policy
- Work equipment policy
Holiday and holiday pay
Pay and benefits
- Allocation of tips policy (New)
- Bonuses policy
- Company car policy
- Employee of the month policy
- Expenses policy
- Loans policy
- Long-service awards policy
- Pay review policy
- Payroll-giving policy
- Relocation assistance policy
Protecting your business
- Anti-bribery policy
- Second job policy
- Stop and search policy
- Use of company property policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Employing workers from overseas policy
- Onboarding policy
- Probation policy
- Recruitment of people who have criminal record policy
- Recruitment policy
- Employee referral bonus scheme policy
- Safeguarding: Recruiting people to work with children and/or vulnerable adults policy
- Use of agency workers policy
- Work experience policy
- Electing employee representatives procedure (collective redundancy consultation)
- Enhanced redundancy payments policy
- Redundancy policy
- Pre-retirement training policy
- Retirement policy (no compulsory retirement age)
- Retirement policy (compulsory retirement age)
Sickness and sick pay
- Long-term sickness absence policy
- Obtaining medical reports policy
- Short-term sickness absence policy
Specific events and incidents
- Dealing with worker's death policy
- Severe weather and disruptions to public transport policy
- Sporting events policy
Technology and employee monitoring
- Mobile telephone use and driving policy
- Use of AI chatbots at work policy
- Use of CCTV policy
- Use of email, instant messaging and internet at work policy
- Use of hand-held or portable electronic devices policy
- Use of mobile phones at work policy
- Use of personal devices for work/bringing your own device to work policy
- Use of social media policy
- Vehicle tracking policy
Time off work
- Career breaks policy
- Compassionate leave policy
- Employing reservists policy
- Fertility treatment policy
- Jury service policy
- Sabbatical leave policy
- Time off for dependants policy
- Time off for domestic emergencies policy
- Time off for surgery policy
- Time off for employee representatives policy
- Time off for health and safety representatives policy
- Time off for medical and dental appointments policy
- Time off for occupational pension scheme trustees policy
- Time off for public duties policy
- Time off for trade union learning representatives policy
Trade union
Training and development
- Career planning policy
- Mentoring policy
- Requests in relation to study or training policy
- Training and development policy
Transfer of undertakings
Variation of contract
Example staff handbook structure
Use our model staff handbook structure as the basis for putting together a new staff handbook or reviewing an existing staff handbook to ensure that it includes details of all the necessary policies.
Working hours
- Overtime and time off in lieu policy
- Timekeeping policy
- Unauthorised absence policy
- Working hours policy