Time to move beyond work-life balance
Work-life balance as a principle failed women, and particularly mothers, far more savagely than it failed men, argues Stephen Overell.
The work-life fallacy By Stephen Overell, writing in Personnel Today.
Business groups begin flexible work backlash By Personnel Today's Michael Millar.
MSN UK - tackling the long-hours
culture By Carol Foster, writing in IRS journal
Equal Opportunities Review.
Case study:
Moore & Smalley's retention strategy Chartered accountancy
firm Moore & Smalley halved staff turnover and drove down sickness absence
by implementing a range of work-life balance initiatives, including teleworking
and flexitime arrangements.
Managing attendance the flexible working
way Flexible working and broader work-life balance initiatives
offer the potential to improve attendance levels, according to IRS research.
Time to
redress the work-life imbalance The modern world demands we accept
the notion of work for work's sake. Stephen Overell asks why on earth should
this be?
Work-life success A selection
of links to a wide array of articles on work-life balance from the HR & Compliance Centre