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Absence and attendance
Atypical workers
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Contracts of employment
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Employment tribunals and dispute resolution
Equality and human rights
Family-friendly rights and policies
Health and safety
Information and consultation
International workforce
Pay and benefits
Performance management
Protecting the business
Public interest disclosures
Recruitment and retention
Termination of employment
Trade unions and industrial action
Training and development
Working time
Termination of employment
Dismissal and discrimination
Dismissal of part-time workers
Final payments
Frustration of contract
Notice and pay in lieu of notice
Providing references
Termination of fixed-term contracts
Unfair dismissal
Written statements of reasons for dismissal
Wrongful dismissal
Alternative employment
Employee support and outplacement services
Information and consultation
Redundancy and family-related leave
Redundancy pay
Voluntary redundancy
Redundancy categories
Alternative employment
Redundancy pay
Employee support and outplacement services
Information and consultation
Voluntary redundancy
Redundancy and family-related leave
All items: Redundancy
Which statutory rights require a period of qualifying service?
How many employee representatives are necessary for collective redundancy consultation purposes?
What should the employer do where an employee representative for collective redundancy consultation purposes ceases to act as such?
Can an employer place restrictions on who can stand as a candidate in elections for collective redundancy consultation purposes?
If a redundant employee accepts alternative work for a fixed term, what are their rights when that fixed term comes to an end?
Can employees with less than the required service to claim unfair dismissal who believe that they have been unfairly selected for redundancy bring a tribunal claim?
Do employees who are non-UK nationals have the same rights as other employees in a redundancy situation?
What information must the employer disclose prior to redundancy consultations?
What is a bumped redundancy?
Does the redundancy procedure differ if there are bumped redundancies?
Items per page: 10
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