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How to handle grievances

Author: Lavina Daryanani


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  • Explore whether an informal resolution of the grievance is possible, and if not, implement the formal procedure.
  • Comply with the terms of both your organisation's grievance procedure and the Acas code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures.
  • Deal with issues promptly and do not unreasonably delay meetings, decisions or confirmation of those decisions.
  • Appoint an appropriate manager to address the employee's grievance.
  • Carry out an investigation once you have the details of the grievance. Send any evidence to the employee in advance of the grievance meeting.
  • Consider whether any preparatory measures are required for the grievance meeting, and if they are, put these in place.
  • Invite the employee to the grievance meeting. Remind them of their statutory right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.
  • Hold the grievance meeting and allow the employee to explain the details of their grievance and how they would like it to be resolved.
  • Adjourn the grievance meeting to give proper consideration to all the evidence before making a decision.
  • Make a decision as to whether to uphold the grievance, and inform the employee in writing with details of the reasoning for the decision.
  • Notify the employee of their right to appeal against the outcome of the grievance procedure.
  • Retain appropriate records of the grievance raised and the procedure followed.