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Turkey: Equal opportunities

Original and updating authors: Batuhan Sahmay and Özlem Özdemir

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  • Employers are prohibited from discriminating in the employment relationship on grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin, sect, colour, language, disability, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, wealth, birth, marital status, medical condition or age. (See General)
  • Discrimination on the grounds of sex or maternity status may be permissible for biological reasons or reasons related to the nature of the job. (See Exemptions)
  • Employers are obliged to take all necessary measures to protect employees from sexual and psychological harassment, and to prevent those suffering such harassment from further harm. (See Harassment and sexual harassment)
  • Certain employees are protected from dismissal for filing a complaint or participating in proceedings against their employer involving alleged violations of laws or regulations, or having recourse to competent administrative or judicial authorities. (See Victimisation)
  • Private-sector employers must ensure that at least 3% of employees in establishments with 50 or more employees are people with disabilities. (See Positive action)
  • Employees who suffer unlawful discrimination have various judicial remedies available, while employers that discriminate may face criminal penalties. (See Remedies and penalties)