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Venezuela: Recruitment and selection

This resource is not currently being updated. It was last reviewed and updated on 31 December 2023. 

Original and updating author: Juan Carlos Varela, Littler

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  • Legislation forbids any distinction, exclusion, preference or restriction in access to employment, on certain grounds. (See Discrimination)
  • Job advertisements must not include provisions that are discriminatory on the prohibited grounds. (See Advertising vacancies)
  • Employers must obtain a certificate of registration in the national military service from an employee. (See Military service)
  • Recruitment and selection procedures are subject to little regulation other than in relation to certain specific situations. (See General)
  • Employers are required to provide internships to young people under the age of 30 in certain circumstances. (See Young people and children)
  • There are various rules relating to the employment of minors. (See Young people and children)
  • Foreign nationals require a permit to work in Venezuela. (See Foreign nationals)
  • All employers must ensure that at least 5% of their total workforce is made up of people with permanent disabilities. (See People with disabilities)