Survey analysis

All items: Bonuses

  • Bonus payments for staff 2024

    30 April 2024

    We explore bonus payments given in the year to January 2024, analysing the payments awarded based on a variety of factors, including industry, job level, age and gender.

  • Bonus payments for staff: 2023 survey

    11 April 2023

    We examine bonus payments and policies for employees, and the main differences by industry, job level, job function group, age and gender.

  • Bonus payments for staff: 2022 survey

    11 July 2022

    With the main bonus season of the year now behind us, we take a look at the popularity of this reward type and the typical payments made.

  • Reward planning and priorities: HR & Compliance Centre survey 2022

    24 March 2022

    Employee reward and benefits are key tools being used to tackle the recruitment and retention challenges many organisations are facing. As they handle increasing rates of labour turnover, we look at how employers are planning to embed reward into their workforce strategy in 2022.

  • Bonus payments for professional staff: 2021 survey

    8 February 2021

    We examine the typical bonus payments made to UK professionals and managers, and how these vary by factors such as job level, industry and age.

  • Coronavirus: HR's initial response survey April 2020

    2 April 2020

    XpertHR asked 400 HR practitioners how their organisations had responded to the challenges facing them as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic dramatically reshapes the economy.

  • Bonus payments for professional staff: 2020 survey

    XpertHR Salary surveys data provides an insight into bonus payments across different job roles and industries.

About this category

Survey analysis: HR and legal information and guidance relating to bonuses.