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Guernsey: Equal opportunities

Original and updating author: Rachel Guthrie, Mourant Ozannes

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  • Discrimination in employment is prohibited on the grounds of sex, marital status, gender reassignment and maternity or adoption leave, and from 1 October 2023 disability, race, carer status, sexual orientation, religion or belief. (See General)
  • There are various legal rules specific to discrimination on each of the prohibited grounds. (See Specific provisions)
  • Difference in treatment on the prohibited grounds is permitted in certain circumstances. (See Exemptions)
  • Employees are protected from harassment, both on the prohibited discriminatory grounds and more generally. (See Harassment and sexual harassment)
  • It is unlawful to treat an individual less favourably because they have made a complaint or allegations of discrimination, or acted as a witness in a complaint of discrimination. (See Victimisation)
  • Employers are permitted to take positive action in limited circumstances. (See Positive action)
  • Employees and job applicants who believe that they have been subjected to an act of unlawful discrimination may make a complaint to the Employment and Discrimination Tribunal. (See Remedies and penalties)