National Theatre of Scotland: New pay deal
Key details Pay award: £500 a week for actors and stage managers Employees covered (nos.): freelance actors, designers, stage managers and musicians (200); core staff (20) Effective date: 1 January 2006 |
A recognition agreement at the newly formed National Theatre of Scotland has resulted in pay rates that are, according to Equity - the trade union representing artists and other workers in the arts and entertainment industry - among the highest in the UK. Other negotiated terms and allowances include:
subsistence allowance - £130 per week;
touring allowance (when making own arrangements) - £215 per week;
daily touring allowance (breakfast provided) - £15; and
daily touring allowance (breakfast not provided) - £20.
The National Theatre of Scotland will not be based in a specific theatre building, but will commission existing theatres and theatre companies, or bring together directors, writers, designers and performers in new combinations to create productions that will play in theatres and other venues up and down the country.