Commentary and insights

All items: Dismissal

  • April 2022 employment law changes: Six tasks for HR

    14 March 2022

    HR professionals must ensure that their organisation is on top of the raft of employment law developments in April 2022. These changes include rises in national minimum wage rates, gender pay gap reporting deadlines, increases to statutory redundancy pay and maternity pay, and the end of HMRC's IR35 enforcement "grace period".

  • The 10 most important employment law cases in 2021

    8 December 2021

    Despite the coronavirus pandemic, HR professionals have had their fair share of employment law rulings to keep track of in 2021. We count down the 10 most important judgments of the year that every employer should know about.

  • Employment law in 2022: Eight action points for HR

    3 December 2021

    As well as continuing to deal with workplace issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic, there will be many other important employment law developments for HR to grapple with in 2022. What does HR need to do to meet its obligations and prepare for the coming year?

  • COVID-related employment cases: 10 key lessons for employers

    19 November 2021

    Employment tribunals have been deciding coronavirus-related cases throughout 2021. We set out 10 key first-instance rulings related to the pandemic and highlight what lessons employers can learn from them.

  • April 2021 employment law changes: Five things for HR to do

    9 March 2021

    While continuing to deal with the impact of coronavirus, HR professionals must ensure that their organisation complies with the usual raft of April employment law changes. In April 2021, these changes include the extension of IR35 reforms to the private sector, a tweak to the national minimum wage age bands, and increases to statutory redundancy pay and statutory maternity pay.

  • Seven key employment law cases from 2020

    17 December 2020

    While the focus has been on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, HR professionals have still had their fair share of employment law cases to keep track of in 2020. We highlight seven noteworthy cases from 2020 that employers should know about.

  • Employment law: Seven key tasks for HR in 2021

    11 November 2020

    2020 was the year that HR was required to react to the unexpected, but it's now time to plan for the known challenges in the coming year. We look at what HR can do to prepare for 2021.

  • Unfair dismissal: When should a manager's unreasonable conduct be taken into account?

    5 March 2020

    Consultant editor Darren Newman looks at recent unfair dismissal cases, including Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti, which concern the knowledge of the decision-maker and asks when the unreasonable conduct of another manager should be taken into account in deciding whether or not the decision to dismiss is fair.

  • Can a constructive dismissal ever be fair?

    22 November 2019

    Consultant editor Darren Newman considers if an employer can ever be successful in claiming that a constructive dismissal is fair in the light of two recent cases lost by employers.

  • Suspension in relation to safeguarding concerns should be used sparingly

    28 March 2019

    Although a recent Court of Appeal decision concerning suspension in relation to safeguarding concerns provides an element of reassurance for employers, consultant editor Darren Newman explains why suspension should still be used only sparingly.

About this category

Commentary and insights: HR and legal information and guidance relating to dismissal.