Commentary and insights

Learning and development categories

All items: Learning and development

  • Why investing in L&D is a business imperative

    17 July 2024

    With budgets increasingly stretched, learning and development may be falling to the bottom of HR's to-do list. But new research shows that the best-performing organisations have a strong L&D programme, explains Paula Flores, and this gives them a competitive edge.

  • Whose responsibility is employee development anyway?

    15 May 2024

    In today's ever-evolving workplace, a structured approach to staff development has never been more crucial. But when time-poor managers meet with their high-expectation employees, it begs the question: whose responsibility is development anyway? The answer, says career development expert Caroline Green, is all about balance.

  • Three themes HR is likely to ignore in 2024 - but shouldn't!

    1 May 2024

    Every year it's the same: January rolls around and suggested priorities for HR abound. But with teams increasingly stretched, important issues then get cast aside or neglected. Here, as organisations find themselves deep into Q2, we draw attention to three themes that HR professionals are likely to overlook, based on what they have told us in our surveys. But, for the reasons explained here, they really shouldn't!

  • Four steps HR can take to help businesses and employees embrace the new "squiggly" careers era

    25 April 2024

    Careers are "squigglier" than ever. Where traditional professional development tended to be linear, individuals now often trace more zigzag-shaped paths as they acquire new skills to adapt to rapidly changing workplace needs. Career mentor and expert Laurie Macpherson sets out four ways in which HR can support employees to upskill, grow their network and track their achievements - so allowing organisations to retain talented members of their workforce rather than losing them to opportunities elsewhere.

  • Six key takeaways from the 2023 CIPD conference

    13 November 2023

    The people profession is operating in a "VUCA world on steroids" (VUCA = volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). So said CEO Peter Cheese as he welcomed around 1,300 delegates to the 2023 CIPD conference in Manchester.

  • Developing performance: Five steps to unlocking your workforce's full potential

    6 July 2023

    Organisations benefit when employees contribute ideas, innovate and use creativity to find solutions. But how do you unlock your people's full potential? They need to be stretched, challenged, supported and developed. We set out the five steps to achieving this.

  • How can HR use "microlearning" to maximise the impact of D&I training?

    21 March 2022

    For many people, properly understanding diversity and inclusion (D&I), and learning to navigate D&I issues in a business context, can be overwhelming. Stuart Affleck, Director at D&I consultants Brook Graham from Pinsent Masons Vario, looks at how "microlearning" can help staff retain their D&I training.

  • Apprenticeships: Challenges and opportunities for local authorities

    12 November 2019

    We look at the challenges that local authorities face in meeting the public sector apprenticeship target, alongside the opportunities that apprenticeships can present for local government employers.

About this category

Commentary and insights: HR and legal information and guidance relating to learning and development.