EU: Social policy state of play, January 2009

The second half of 2008, under the French EU presidency, saw the adoption of Directives on temporary agency work and European Works Councils, but there was an impasse on the revision of the Directive on working time.

On this page:
New proposals
Discussions and amended proposals
No progress
Table: Social policy state of play

Key points

  • During the second half of 2008, the Directive on temporary agency work was adopted and agreement was reached by the Council of the EU and the European parliament on the Directive “recasting” the 1994 Directive on European Works Councils (with formal adoption to follow soon).
  • The European parliament and the council failed to reach agreement on the draft Directive amending the Directive on working time, with the former rejecting a compromise text agreed by the latter. The proposal is now likely to enter a conciliation procedure between the two institutions.
  • The European Commission proposed new Directives on maternity rights and on equal treatment between self-employed men and women, as well as a Regulation on a statute for a European Private Company (which includes employee participation provisions).
  • Progress was made on three draft Directives on labour migration from outside the EU, but not on the proposed Directive on the portability of supplementary pension rights.
  • The EU-level social partners formally opened negotiations on revising their 1995 agreement on parental leave.
  • Few new proposals for employment law Directives are expected in 2009.

The state-of-play table lists all important “live” items of draft EU social policy legislation of general interest to our readers that are currently in the legislative pipeline. It does not include those measures that were adopted prior to our most recent table. It shows only those proposals that have yet to be adopted, or that have been adopted since the previous table. Proposals that have become dormant (defined here as not having been discussed in council, or subject to any other significant movement, for more than two years) are not included.

For each proposal, the table provides the following information, as at 18 December 2008:

  • the full title of the proposal;
  • a reference to the issue of the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union (available on the Europa website) in which the proposal (and any subsequent revised versions) or adopted text was published. Laws appear in the Legislative (“L”) series, while other instruments and proposals appear in the Communications (“C”) series. Where proposals have not appeared in the OJ, the “COM” number of the document is given, where relevant;
  • where appropriate, or available, the article of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) on which the proposal is based; and
  • where relevant, the dates of the proposal’s submission to the Council of the European Union, the opinions issued on the proposal by the European parliament, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the submission of an amended proposal to the council, and any council decisions or debates, as well as the dates of the formal consultation of the social partners, where relevant. Adopted proposals and formally signed agreements are identified with an asterisk.


Two important items of employment-related legislation were adopted (informally in one case) in the second half of 2008. The first was the Directive (2008/104/EC) on temporary agency work, whose adoption represented the culmination of efforts to regulate this issue at EU level going back more than a quarter of a century. There is now finally an EU legislative framework in place governing all of the three main forms of “atypical” employment - part-time, fixed-term and temporary agency work. After so many years of controversy and deadlock, the final stages of debate were rapid and straightforward. The common position agreed by the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (known as EPSCO) Council in June was approved without amendments by the European parliament in October, clearing the way for formal adoption.

By contrast, the “recast” Directive on European Works Councils (replacing and repealing Directive 94/45/EC, as amended by Directives 97/74/EC and 2006/109/EC) was agreed by the European parliament and council in December, only five months after it was proposed by the commission. However, the proposal had a lengthy pre-history, with revision of the EWCs Directive having been on the agenda since 1999. The European Commission had made a number of efforts to persuade the central EU-level social partner organisations - the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), BusinessEurope (private sector employers), Ueapme (small and medium-sized enterprises) and Ceep (public sector employers) - to negotiate an agreement on this issue. However, when the ETUC turned down an employers’ offer of talks in April 2008, the commission finally issued a draft Directive.

The social partners then took the unprecedented step of agreeing a “joint advice”, setting out their common proposals for amendments to the commission’s proposed Directive. This contrasted with the normal TEC procedure (see  Consultations), whereby the social partners have an opportunity to reach an agreement on an issue before the commission proposes a Directive on the subject. The council, European parliament and commission took on board the social partners’ recommendations on revising the EWCs Directive, enabling the “recast” Directive to be agreed with unusual swiftness (although formal adoption has not yet occurred).

As part of a legislative simplification initiative, the commission is seeking to codify and consolidate in single instruments a number of Directives and their subsequent amendments, although with no changes of substance. As they lack substantive content, these draft Directives are not included in our state-of-play table, but this procedure led to the adoption in October 2008 of a codified Directive (2008/94/EC) on the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer, which repeals and replaces the 1980 Directive on the issue (80/987/EEC, as amended by Directives 87/164/EEC and 2002/74/EC).

New proposals

The European Commission proposed a number of new Directives in the second half of 2008, notably:

  • the draft “recast” EWCs Directive (see Adoption);
  • a Directive amending Council Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding; and
  • a Directive on the application of the principle of equal treatment between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed capacity (repealing Directive 86/613/EEC on the same issue).

The recast EWCs Directive has been adopted, while the drafts on pregnant workers and on equality for self-employed women and men are awaiting formal debate in the council and European parliament.

Also since our previous state-of-play table, the commission has proposed a Council Regulation on a statute for a European Private Company. This would create a new form of company that gives small and medium-sized firms and privately owned companies the same possibilities to operate on a Europe-wide basis as the European Company Statute gives public limited-liability companies. While this is essentially a company law measure, the draft Regulation also deals with the issue of employee participation. It lays down the general principle that European Private Companies would be subject to the employee participation rules of the member state where they have their registered office, but with special provisions where a European Private Company transfers its registered office to another member state. Debate on the draft Regulation has begun in the competitiveness council of ministers.

Two other new proposals are not included in our table because of their purely sector-specific scope:

  • In July, the commission proposed a Directive to implement an agreement on incorporating the 2006 International Labour Organisation (ILO) maritime labour convention into EU law, signed in May by the European-level social partner organisations in the maritime shipping industry. On 17 December, the EPSCO council reached a political agreement on the proposal, pending the European parliament's first reading.
  • In October, the commission proposed a Directive amending Directive 2002/15/EC on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities. The main aim is to enhance the clarity and enforceability of the current Directive by providing a more precise definition of mobile workers, notably ensuring that it covers “false” self-employed drivers - those who are officially self-employed but in fact are not free to organise their work activities (self-employed drivers are not covered by the Directive). The draft has not yet been debated in the council or European parliament.

Outside the strictly defined field of employment law, in July the commission issued a draft Directive on “implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation”. The Directive would extend the scope of Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation beyond the workplace. It would provide for equal treatment in the areas of social protection (including social security and healthcare), education, and access to, and supply of, goods and services that are commercially available to the public, including housing. The EPSCO council discussed the proposal in October and December and the European parliament is due to give it a first reading in March 2009.

Discussions and amended proposals

The draft Directive revising the Directive concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time (originally adopted in 1993 and now consolidated in Directive 2003/88/EC) reached an impasse in December. In June, the EPSCO council had agreed a common position on the proposal, following lengthy and difficult debate, as part of a delicate compromise that also involved the agreement on the Directive on temporary agency work. Notably, with regard to the “opt-out” - the option for member states not to apply the 1993 Directive’s maximum average weekly working time of 48 hours if a worker agrees to this individually - ministers agreed (with reservations in some cases) that the opt-out should be retained, although subject to stronger safeguards, closer monitoring and reinforced protective conditions for the workers involved. Further, the council agreed with regard to on-call work that the “inactive” part of on-call time should not compulsorily be treated as working time.

Under the co-decision legislative procedure, the council’s common position returned to the European parliament for a second reading. If the European parliament had approved the common position without amendments, the Directive would have been adopted in this form. However, despite pressure from the other EU institutions, the European parliament proposed amendments when it gave it a second reading on 17 December. Most controversially, it called for the abolition of the opt-out within three years and for the entire period of on-call time, including any “inactive” part, to be considered as working time.

The EPSCO council on 17 December noted the points of disagreement between its common position and the European parliament’s proposals. There does not seem to be any prospect of the council accepting the European parliament amendments, given the enormous difficulty with which ministers agreed their common position in June. It is probable that the proposal will now be referred to the European parliament-council conciliation committee.

Three draft Directives on labour migration to the EU from other countries were proposed in 2007, dealing with: a uniform application procedure for migrants wanting to work and live in the EU, and a common set of rights for legally resident immigrant workers; the admission and residence of highly qualified immigrant workers; and sanctions against employers of “illegally staying third-country nationals”. The first two proposals mentioned made progress in the second half of 2008, with the European parliament giving them first readings and the council reaching broad agreement on the drafts. The council also advanced its work on the third of the proposals.

One of the commission’s proposals for a codified Directive, on minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (codifying Directive 89/655/EEC, as amended by Directives 95/63/EC and 2001/45/EC), progressed through the decision-making machinery in the second half of the year and is now before the European parliament-council conciliation committee.


Under art. 138 of the TEC, before submitting proposals in the social policy field, the European Commission consults the EU-level social partners on the possible direction of Community action. Then, if the commission considers Community action advisable, it consults a second time, on the content of the envisaged proposal. At that stage, the social partners may (under art. 139) seek to negotiate a European-level agreement on the issue in question, which may substitute for EU legislation.

No consultations were launched in the second half of 2008. Following earlier consultation exercises, two sets of central social partner negotiations are currently under way, involving the ETUC, BusinessEurope, Ueapme and Ceep:

  • Talks were launched in March 2008 over a European agreement aimed at “facilitating access to and progression in the labour market for disadvantaged groups through a series of preventive and curative measures, including lifelong learning”. If an agreement is reached, it will be “autonomous” - that is, it will be implemented by the signatories themselves rather than by an EU Directive. The negotiations will continue in 2009.
  • In response to consultations on improving the reconciliation of work, private and family life, in March 2008 the social partners announced that they would “undertake joint action to better achieve the aims” of their 1995 European framework agreement on parental leave (implemented by Directive 96/34/EC). In July 2008, they confirmed that this joint action would take the form of formal negotiations on revising the agreement under art. 138, starting in September 2008. The European Commission has not ruled out the possibility that these negotiations might also address other forms of family-related leave it mentioned in its consultation documents, such as paternity leave, adoption leave and leave to care for family members. The social partners’ work on reconciliation also led in July to a joint letter to the European Commission, calling for renewed efforts to provide more and better childcare in order to promote work-life balance and increase labour market participation.

Consultations on protecting healthcare workers from blood-borne infections due to needlestick injuries were launched in 2006 (not included in our table because of the sector-specific nature of the issue). The central social partner organisations showed no interest in negotiating on the issue but - somewhat belatedly - in November 2008, the EU-level social partners in the hospitals and healthcare sector announced that they would do so. The European Hospital and Healthcare Employers’ Association (Hospeem) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) are starting talks in January 2009 over an art. 139 agreement on the prevention of “sharp injuries” in their sector.

Two rounds of consultations have been completed on “socially intelligent” corporate restructuring (2004 and 2005), without any further specific action since apart from a working document issued by the commission in July 2008 (the issue has now been dropped from our table). Following the completion of two stages of consultation (in 2004 and 2007) on improving workers’ protection against musculoskeletal disorders, with no indication from the social partners that they were willing to negotiate, the commission is planning to legislate in 2009 (having originally stated that it would do so in 2008). Two stages of consultations were held (in 2004 and 2007) on EU action to protect workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and “substances toxic for reproduction” at work, and the commission is yet to announce its intentions.

Following a first stage in 2007, consultations have not yet moved onto the second stage with regard to cross-border transfers of undertakings. This is also true of a first-stage consultation in 2007 on whether or not the current exclusion of maritime workers from some areas of EU employment law is justified.

No progress

Following movement towards political agreement on a common position in the second half of 2007, little progress has since been made on the draft Directive on the portability of supplementary pension rights. The proposal deals with the acquisition and preservation of rights and enhanced information for workers, and the main sticking point in council is the maximum permissible duration of the “vesting period” (the period of active membership of an employment-related pension scheme required in order to trigger entitlement to a supplementary pension). The draft was not discussed at the EPSCO council during the second half of 2008.

A commission proposal for a codified Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work (codifying Directive 83/477/EEC, as amended by Directives 91/382/EEC, 98/24/EC and 2003/18/EC) has made no progress since the European parliament gave it a first reading in June 2007.


The French presidency of the second half of 2008 experienced considerable success in its objective of moving forward with all the main pending draft employment law Directives. The adoption of the Directives on temporary agency work and revising the EWCs Directive brought to a close two long-running sagas, while progress was made on the three draft Directives on non-EU labour migration. However, the revision of the working time Directive remained as contentious and intractable as ever. It is unclear whether some kind of consensus might be reached through conciliation between the European parliament and council in 2009. The draft Directive on supplementary pension rights also proved resistant to efforts to find a deal.

The draft Directives amending the Directives on pregnant workers and on equal treatment for self-employed women and men, along with the draft Regulation on the European Private Company, are expected to move to the first stages of serious council and European parliament debate during the first half of 2009. The draft Directive on implementing the ILO maritime labour convention seems likely to be adopted fairly rapidly.

The Czech government holds the EU presidency in the first half of 2009. It is not yet clear which pending draft legislation it will give priority to, other than seeking a compromise with the European parliament on revision of the working time Directive.

Following the small flurry of drafts issued in the second half of 2008 (see New proposals) as part of the European Commission’s “renewed social agenda”, few new proposals for employment law Directives are expected in 2009. The commission’s work programme for the year (its last before a new commission takes office in November 2009) mentions only a draft Directive consolidating in a single instrument existing provisions on the protection of workers from the risks of musculoskeletal disorders at work, and a possible proposal on executive remuneration.

The commission had announced that it would propose during 2008: a Directive amending the 2001 Directive on transfers of undertakings (following a second round of social partner consultations); and two further Directives on labour migration from outside the EU, covering seasonal workers and “intra-corporate transferees”/remunerated trainees. These proposals have not so far been issued and they are not mentioned in the commission’s 2009 work programme.

The central EU-level social partner organisations will continue their negotiations on parental leave and the labour market access and progression of people from disadvantaged groups in 2009. Their draft work programme for 2009-2010 does not contain plans for the negotiation of any further “autonomous” agreements, mentioning only talks over a “framework of actions” on employment, alongside joint work in areas such as the EU’s post-2010 Lisbon jobs and growth agenda, climate change, flexicurity and mobility and economic migration issues.

This article was written by Mark Carley, editor, European Employment Review.

Table: Social policy state of play

In this table:
Employment and remuneration
Equal treatment
Improvement of living and working conditions
Information, consultation and participation
Health protection and safety at the workplace
Freedom of movement
Migration policy and employment



Legal base

Current position

Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time. COM(2004) 0607; amended proposal COM(2005) 0246.

Art. 137(2). Co-decision procedure.

First commission consultation on implementation and possible review of 1993 working time Directive ran from 5 January to 31 March 2004. Second consultation launched on 19 May. Social partners decided not to negotiate an agreement and commission issued draft Directive on 22 September, focusing on opt-out from maximum 48-hour week, reference periods, compensatory rest and on-call working. Discussed in EPSCO council on 4 October and 6-7 December. Committee of the Regions Opinion on 14 April 2005. EESC Opinion on 11-12 May. European parliament first reading on 11 May, recommending revision and eventual repeal of opt-out. Commission issued amended proposal on 31 May. Successive presidency compromise texts discussed by EPSCO council on 2-3 June, 8-9 December, 1-2 June 2006 and 7 November, without agreement. Portuguese presidency drafted new compromise text, which was discussed in council on 5 December 2007, with considerable consensus but not unanimous agreement. Slovenian presidency further revised text and EPSCO council reached political agreement on a common position on 9-10 June 2008, which was formally adopted on 15 September. European parliament gave proposal second reading on 17 December, amending council common position on key points. EPSCO council informed of European parliament’s vote on 17 December, noting points of disagreement. Conciliation now probable.

*Directive 2008/104/EC of the European parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on temporary agency work. OJ L327 of 5 December 2008.


Art. 137(2). Co-decision procedure.

Commission launched first stage of social partner consultation on atypical work on 27 September 1995 (EER 262 p.3) and second stage ran from 18 April to 14 June 1996. Social partner talks resulted in agreements on part-time and fixed-term work. Talks on temporary agency work started in 2000 (EER 317 p.3), stalled in March 2001 (EER 327 p.3), were revived in April (EER 328 p.2) but failed definitively in May (EER 329 p.3). Commission issued draft Directive on 20 March 2002. EESC Opinion on 19 September. European parliament first reading on 20-21 November. Commission issued revised text on 28 November. Discussed without agreement at EPSCO councils on 2-3 December, 3 June 2003 and 4 October 2004. Portuguese presidency drafted new compromise text, which was discussed in council on 5 December 2007, with considerable consensus but not unanimous agreement. Slovenian presidency further revised text and EPSCO council reached political agreement on a common position on 9-10 June 2008. Slovenian presidency further revised text and EPSCO council reached political agreement on common position on 9-10 June 2008, which was formally adopted on 15 September. On 22 October, European parliament approved common position unamended at second reading, enabling the Directive to be adopted on 19 November. Member states must implement by 5 December 2011.



Legal base

Current position

Consultation of the EU-level social partners on reconciliation of professional, private and family life. SEC(2006) 1245 (first consultation).

Art. 138.

Commission launched first stage of consultation on 12 October 2006, seeking social partners' views on the possible direction of future Community action (EER 394 p.16). Commission launched second social partner consultation on content of action on 30 May 2007, focusing on: new rights to paternity leave, adoption leave and leave to care for family members; strengthening the 1992 pregnant workers Directive (92/85/EEC); and strengthening the social partners' 1995 EU-level agreement on parental leave. On 11 July, the social partners told the commission that they would evaluate their parental leave agreement, along with other arrangements supporting parents and work-life balance. In March 2008, the partners announced that they would “undertake joint action to better achieve the aims” of the parental leave agreement. In July 2008, they confirmed that this joint action would take the form of formal negotiations under art. 138, starting in September 2008. The talks may also address other forms of family-related leave, but not maternity leave. The commission therefore proposed a Directive amending the pregnant workers Directive in October (see below). As part of their joint work, the social partners sent a joint letter to the commission in July, calling for renewed efforts to provide more and better childcare.

Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. COM (2008) 637 final.

Arts. 137(2) and 141(3). Co-decision procedure.

Following consultations on reconciliation of professional, private and family life (see above), commission issued draft Directive amending Directive 92/85/EEC on 3 October 2008. Proposals include increasing the minimum period of maternity leave from 14 to 18 weeks and giving women on leave entitlement to full pay (although member states could subject this to a ceiling). EPSCO council informed of progress of discussions on 17 December. European parliament first reading scheduled for May 2009.

Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on the application of the principle of equal treatment between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed capacity and repealing Directive 86/613/EEC. COM (2008) 0636 final.

Art. 141(3). Co-decision procedure.

Commission launched first stage of consultation on 6 March 2008, asking social partners for their views on amending and strengthening Directive 86/613/EEC on equal treatment for male and female self-employed people. On 3 October 2008, it issued a draft Directive replacing and repealing Directive 86/613/EEC. Proposals include giving female self-employed workers and the “assisting spouses” (including life partners) of the self-employed the same maternity leave entitlement as provided for employees under the 1992 Directive on pregnant workers. EPSCO council informed of progress of discussions on 17 December. European parliament first reading scheduled for May 2009.



Legal base

Current position

Consultation of the EU-level social partners on cross-border transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses.

Art. 138.

Commission launched first stage of consultation on 20 June 2007, asking the social partners for their views on possible action, such as amending Directive 2001/23/EC on business transfers, in order to deal with the issue of cross-border transfers involving a change in the place of work. Following a second-stage consultation, the commission is planning to propose a Directive amending Directive 2001/23/EC.

Consultation of the EU-level social partners on the active inclusion of the people furthest from the labour market. COM(2007) 620 final (second consultation).

Art. 138.

Commission launched first stage of consultation on 8 February 2006, asking the social partners for their views on possible EU-level action to promote more effective integration of people excluded from the labour market. Second stage of consultation launched on 17 October 2007, proposing EU-wide common rules on active inclusion. In March 2008, social partners announced negotiations over a European agreement on facilitating access to and progression in the labour market for disadvantaged groups.



Legal base

Current position

*Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (Recast). Not yet published in OJ.

Art. 137.

Commission launched first stage of consultation on 20 April 2004, asking social partners for their views on measures to enhance effectiveness of EWCs, including possible revision of Directive 94/45/EC. Social partners concluded joint text on "lessons learned" on EWCs in March 2005. Further consultation launched on 5 April, asking social partners to engage in further work on this issue and agree on best-practice guidelines (with only passing reference to revising Directive). Responses given in autumn 2005, with differences of opinion between social partners, but they agreed to promote and assess their 2005 joint text. Commission consulted again on 20 February 2008, this time on specific proposals for revision of Directive. Employers’ bodies were in favour of opening negotiations over agreement on revision, but ETUC refused talks in April. Commission issued proposal for “recast” EWCs Directive (repealing and replacing Directive 94/45/EC) on 2 July. In August, social partners agreed “joint advice”, suggesting amendments to the draft Directive. Discussed in EPSCO council on 2 October. European parliament first reading on 16 December, amending text largely in line with social partners’ proposals, following discussion with council and commission. EPSCO council reached political agreement on the amended draft on 17 December, which will enable the Directive’s formal adoption soon.

Proposal for a Council Regulation on the statute for a European Private Company. COM (2008) 396 final.


Art. 308

Commission issued draft Directive on 25 June 2008, following social partner consultations. Proposal, which would create a uniform company form that small and medium-sized firms could use to operate across the EU, includes provisions on employee participation arrangements. Discussed in competitiveness council on 1 December. European parliament first reading due in January 2009.



Legal base

Current position

Consultation of the EU-level social partners on musculoskeletal disorders at work.

Art. 138.

Commission launched first consultation of social partners on 12 November 2004, seeking views on whether further initiatives are needed. Social partners in agriculture sector reached agreement on reduction of workers’ exposure to risk of musculoskeletal disorders on 21 November 2005, partly in response to consultation. Second consultation was launched on 14 March 2007 and ended in late April. The commission is planning to propose in 2009 a single Directive incorporating existing provisions on musculoskeletal disorders at work (currently found in Directives 90/269/EEC and 90/270/EEC).



Legal base

Current position

Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on improving the portability of supplementary pension rights. COM(2005) 0507; amended proposal COM(2007) 603 final.

Arts. 42 and 94. Co-decision procedure.

Commission launched first stage of social partner consultations on 12 June 2002 as part of efforts to reduce obstacles to free movement of workers within EU. Second stage launched on 15 September 2003. Social partners' views diverged on need for negotiations and commission therefore issued draft Directive on 20 October 2005. EESC Opinion on 20-21 April 2006. Discussed at EPSCO council on 1-2 June 2006 and 30 November-1 December. At council on 30-31 May 2007, no agreement on a "general approach" could be reached and it was decided to await the European parliament first reading and a subsequent amended commission proposal. European parliament gave first reading on 20 June. Commission issued amended proposal on 9 October, dropping provisions on transferability of pension rights. Political agreement on common position discussed in EPSCO council on 5 December, with agreement on all issues except vesting periods. EPSCO council on 9-10 June 2008 informed that negotiations were continuing. No public council discussions since.



Legal base

Current position

Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council providing for sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals. COM(2007) 249 final.

Art. 63(3)(b). Co-decision procedure.

Commission issued draft Directive on 16 May 2007. It aims to ensure that all member states introduce similar penalties for employers of illegal immigrants and enforce them effectively, with the goal of preventing the employment of such workers and discouraging illegal immigration into the EU. Discussed in justice and home affairs council on 12 June, 5 December, and 24-25 July 2008. EESC Opinion on 12 March 2008. CoR Opinion on 18 June. EPSCO council on 2 October informed that progress had been made on proposal. European parliament first reading due in February 2009.

Proposal for a Council Directive on a single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the territory of a member state and on a common set of rights for third-country workers legally residing in a member state. COM(2007) 638 final.

Art. 63(3)(a). Consultation procedure.

Commission issued draft Directive on 23 October 2007. It aims to: simplify and streamline procedures for all non-EU workers wanting to live and work in the EU by providing a "one-stop-shop" system; and grant all third-country workers residing legally in the member states a common set of employment-related rights, comparable with those of EU nationals. Discussed in justice and home affairs council on 5 December. CoR Opinion on 18 June 2008. EESC Opinion on 9 July. European parliament first reading on 20 November, proposing various amendments. On 27-28 November, justice and home affairs council reached broad agreement and instructed Czech presidency of first half of 2009 to continue discussions, with a view to rapid adoption.

Proposal for a Council Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment. COM(2007) 637 final.

Art. 63(3)(a) and (4). Consultation procedure.

Commission issued draft Directive on 23 October 2007. It proposes a "fast-track" procedure for the admission of highly qualified non-EU workers, based on common criteria, with successful applicants awarded a special residence and work permit, known as the "EU blue card". Discussed in justice and home affairs council on 5 December, 24-25 July 2008 and 25 September, when all governments supported a compromise text. CoR Opinion on 18 June 2008. EESC Opinion on 9 July. European parliament first reading on 20 November, proposing various amendments.

* = adopted proposals and formally signed agreements.

European Employment Review 420 (EER 420) contents