Managing incapacity: resources

Section 10 of the Personnel Today Management Resources one stop guide on managing incapacity. Other sections.

Reports and Surveys


Employee Absence 2002, a survey of management policy and practice, 2002

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Large-scale survey of sickness absence policy and practice.

Pulling together: absence and labour turnover survey

Confederation of British Industry 2001

Survey of absence rates and employers' views on the causes of absence.

Absence and labour turnover survey 2002: counting the costs

Survey of CBI members, produced in conjunction with PPP Healthcare, which forms part of its annual sickness absence report. The survey covers 13 regions, 11 sectors and five bands of workforce size.

Maximising Attendance: issue 96 in the Managing Best Practice series

The Work Foundation, 2002

Surveys 400 HR professionals and reveals that absence rates in 2002 rose by nine days per employee per year. Includes case studies and best practice advice.

Price is £65.00, or £550 for subscription to 12 issue series on Managing Best Practice. Order on 0870 165 6700, or go to


Back in Work - HSE research report no 441

Project information available on

Rehabilitation and retention: the workplace view, 2002

TUC Publications

Looks at what employers are doing in relation to rehabilitation. Principal focus is on "voluntary" arrangements, put in place by employers and - in many cases - negotiated with trade unions.

Vocational Rehabilitation: The Way Forward (2000)

British Society of Rehabilitative Medicine - tel 01992 638 865 - executive report under "Publications"

Who to contact


Employers' organisation which offers advice on all aspects of employment.

Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

Centre Point

103 New Oxford Street

London WC1A 1DU

Tel: 020 7 395 8247

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Membership body for HR professionals producing best practice guidelines on work life issues.


35 Camp Road

London SW19 4UX

Tel 020 8971 9000

The Health and Safety Executive

Offers advice and guidance to employers on all aspects of safety and health at work.

HSE Infoline

Caerphilly Business Park


CF83 3GG

Tel 08701 545 500

Institute of Employment Studies

Conducts research into workplace and employment issues, including absence and attendance management.

Institute of Employment Studies

Mantell Building


Brighton BN1 9RF

Tel 01273 686 751

Mercer HR Consulting

Health Management Consulting Team runs work-life balance projects in all industry and service sectors

Mercer HR Consulting

1 Grosvenor Place

London SW1X 7HJ

Tel 020 7222 9121


Offers advice and training on wide range of workplace issues including attendance management.


Great Russell Street

London WC1B 3LS

Tel 020 7 636 4030

The Work Foundation

Offers advice and training on work-life and attendance management issues.

The Work Foundation

48 Bryanston Square

London SW1E 6HF

Tel 020 7 479 2000

Work Life Research Centre

Brings together academics researching work-life issues.

Work Life Research Centre

Department of Psychology and Speech Pathology

Manchester Metropolitan University

Hathersage Road


M13 0JA

Tel 0161 247 2569

One stop guide to managing incapacity: other sections

Section 1: Incapacity and the law
Section 2: Sickness absence
Section 3: Health and safety of staff
Section 4: How to manage workplace stress
Section 5: Disability discrimination
Section 6: Unfair dismissal
Section 7: Drugs and alcohol
Section 8: Document creation, preservation, access
Section 9: Best practice
Section 10: Resources
Section 11: Jargon buster