Practical guidance on identifying and managing health and safety risks, including the duties to carry out risk assessments under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
Practical guidance on supporting employees experiencing the menopause, including how symptoms can affect employees at work, managing absence and performance issues and ensuring that working conditions do not exacerbate menopausal symptoms.
Practical guidance on introducing a successful mental health first-aid programme, including the options for training, the role of mental health first-aiders and the additional support they may need.
Practical guidance on producing an accident report, including which injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are covered by the duty to report under RIDDOR; and the role of the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities.
Practical guidance on the health and safety rights of new and expectant mothers, including risk assessments for pregnant and breastfeeding employees; and suspension on health and safety grounds.
Practical guidance on dealing with requests for eye tests from employees who carry out display screen equipment work and the duty to provide corrective glasses.
About this category
Practical step-by-step advice on how to manage workplace situations relating to health and safety.