How to collect labour turnover data
Author: Michael Carty
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Decide on the objectives of the proposed labour turnover data exercise.
- Identify the basic data required to achieve these objectives and how the number of employees in the organisation will be measured.
- Decide if a more detailed breakdown of labour turnover data is required, for example data for specific employee groups or information on whether departures were voluntary or involuntary.
- Decide how labour turnover data will be collected and stored, and ensure that everyone involved in the exercise is working to agreed formats and schedules.
- Comply with the rules on data protection if collecting data from which employees can be identified.
- Ensure that all the available labour turnover data sources have been identified.
- Aim to begin the labour turnover data exercise by focusing on a particular part of the workforce, preferably one where resourcing is a known problem.
- Ensure that measures are in place to check, verify and, if necessary, correct the data gathered.
- Establish and stick to a regular data collection schedule - but be prepared to amend it temporarily if pressing resourcing issues result in a need for more frequent data analysis.