How to employ an apprentice
Authors: Adrian Martin and Frances Bennett
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Understand what is required for training to constitute an apprenticeship.
- Be aware of the funding system for apprenticeships in England, including the role of the apprenticeship levy and the Government's online apprenticeship service.
- When selecting an apprenticeship, be aware of the different types and levels of apprenticeship available.
- Select an appropriate training provider to deliver the apprenticeship training.
- Select an appropriate end-point assessment organisation to deliver the assessment of the apprentice.
- Consider how much input the training provider should have in the recruitment of the apprentice.
- Put an apprenticeship agreement in place, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009.
- Agree a training plan with the training provider and the apprentice.
- Ensure that the apprentice is supervised by experienced and skilled colleagues.
- Understand that apprentices have broadly the same statutory rights as other employees, including the right to be paid at least the applicable national minimum wage rate.
- Liaise with the training provider to design an induction period for the apprentice.
- Manage any disciplinary or performance issues in accordance with a fair procedure.
- Understand the organisation's obligations at the end of the apprenticeship and in a redundancy situation.