How to consult on an individual basis during a redundancy exercise
Author: Lavina Daryanani
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Remember that employees must be consulted individually regardless of the number of proposed redundancies.
- Follow a fair redundancy procedure, whether or not collective consultation is required, including an early warning that redundancies are contemplated, and consultation on the selection method.
- Decide on the timetable for consultation, ensuring that consultation is meaningful, commenced at a sufficiently early stage and completed before any notices of dismissal are issued.
- Comply with the obligation to consult collectively if proposing to dismiss as redundant 20 or more employees within a period of 90 days or less.
- Undertake meaningful individual consultation by giving employees the relevant information, allowing them to express their views and giving genuine consideration to those views.
- If the duty to consult collectively does not apply, inform employees of the potential redundancies at group or individual meetings.
- Hold individual consultation meetings with those provisionally selected for redundancy.
- Ensure that employees who are absent from work are fully included in the consultation process.
- Undertake a reasonable search for alternative employment for employees selected for redundancy and discuss any options with affected employees.
- Offer employees in a protected period relating to pregnancy or family leave any suitable available vacancies in priority to other employees.
- Notify employees of the outcome of the consultation process and give employees the opportunity to challenge their selection for redundancy.