How to hold an election for employee representatives
Author: Jo Plumstead
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Be aware of the circumstances in which the election of employee representatives may be necessary.
- Ensure that election arrangements are put in place in good time.
- Be aware that employee representatives and candidates for election are protected from victimisation and dismissal on grounds of their participation in the election.
- Take into account that employee representatives are entitled to a reasonable amount of time off to carry out their functions, and must have appropriate access to the workforce and facilities.
- Give appropriate consideration to the election process, including who can stand for election, the appropriate number of candidates, who is permitted to vote and the term of office of employee representatives.
- Be aware that running the election will require decisions to be made on the voting system to be used and the nominations procedure.
- Ensure that the election itself is as fair as possible.
- Be aware of your responsibilities after the election has taken place.