How to identify and manage health and safety risks
Author: Andrea Oates
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Be aware of the general duty on employers to carry out risk assessments in relation to their employees and others who may be affected by their activities.
- Be aware that there are also specific requirements in relation to particular hazards and in relation to the health and safety of particular groups of workers.
- Ensure that anyone carrying out risk assessments on behalf of the organisation has sufficient training and knowledge to do so.
- Consult managers, supervisors, specialists and employees and their representatives about the risks involved in their work and the measures necessary to prevent or control them.
- Ensure that the risk assessment covers any risks to remote workers.
- When identifying the hazards, address what actually happens in the workplace and not only what should happen.
- Assess the risks by deciding who might be harmed and how.
- Apply the principles of prevention when implementing measures to control the risks identified.
- Record the findings of the risk assessment.
- Prepare a written plan of action identifying who will take action and by when.
- Ensure that the risk assessment is reviewed as appropriate.