How to manage bank holidays
Author: Katherine Shaw, Lewis Silkin
Brightmine editor: Susie Munro
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Recognise that there is no statutory entitlement to take time off on bank holidays.
- Check existing documentation to establish whether there is a contractual entitlement to time off on bank holidays.
- Consider whether your customary way of dealing with bank holidays may have become implied into workers' contracts over time.
- Consider whether the current documentation adequately reflects business needs.
- If changes to current arrangements are needed, or you are drafting new provisions around bank holidays, decide your approach to:
- whether holiday entitlement includes bank holidays;
- additional bank holidays that may be announced;
- requiring employees to take leave or work on bank holidays; and
- pay and time off in lieu.
- Take into account the bank holiday rights of part-time workers and workers with irregular working patterns.
- Be aware of the bank holiday entitlement of employees who are on family leave or sickness absence.