How to manage voluntary redundancies
Author: Sue Nickson
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Consider the advantages and disadvantages of voluntary redundancy.
- Ensure that there is a genuine redundancy situation.
- Plan the voluntary redundancy programme and follow a workable timetable.
- Communicate the programme to the relevant employees in writing.
- Ensure that employees have the opportunity to find out what impact voluntary redundancy could have on their pension.
- Consider whether to extend the period for applications, or to implement the procedure for compulsory redundancies, if not enough applications for voluntary redundancy are received.
- Consider whether to ask the employees to sign a settlement agreement.
- Inform employees of the outcome of their application and hold individual meetings with those selected for voluntary redundancy.
- If there is no need for compulsory redundancies, inform the wider workforce of this as soon as possible.
- Consider early retirement as an alternative to voluntary redundancy.