How to respond to the death of an employee
Author: Louis Wustemann
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- Make sure that all employee records with details of next of kin and dependants are regularly updated.
- Draw up a policy specifying, for example, who has responsibility for dealing with administration and liaison with relatives.
- Inform the enforcing authority of any work-related death and record the required details.
- Provide adequate support for employees tasked with contacting the family or next of kin.
- Ensure that colleagues of the deceased employee are offered appropriate support.
- Advise external contacts such as customers and suppliers, as appropriate.
- Process any life assurance benefits and dependants' pensions quickly.
- Include the employee's date of death in the full payment submission for HM Revenue and Customs.
- Make interim cover arrangements for work continuity but wait at least one month before arranging a permanent replacement for a deceased employee.