Webinar: Adapting to change - helping HR find balance and calm in uncertainty

As we continue to face new waves of challenge and change, what do we need to foster good mental wellbeing, keep stress at bay and avoid burnout for ourselves and, as HR practitioners, the businesses we support? What resources do we have at our disposal to successfully navigate and adapt to what comes next?
In this webinar, Dr Barbara Mariposa presents the practical steps that can be taken to adapt to change while maintaining good mental wellbeing. This session covers:
- Realistic appraisals: seeing things clearly and cultivating balance and calm.
- The science behind the biological mechanisms designed to keep our mental health in balance.
- Exploring the inherent assets and strengths you already have that help you deal with change.
- The pivotal role of our relationships to others and how we can support one another.
- How to maintain that strong sense of who we are and what matters in life, the glue that holds it all together.