Employment law guides: The complete list
Our Employment law guides provide accessible and constantly updated guidance on employment law, tailored to the needs of the HR professional.
Agency and posted workers
- Agency workers
- Posted workers
- Agency and posted workers: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Continuous employment
- Determining continuous employment
- Continuous employment: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Contracts of employment
- Common contract terms
- Determining employment status
- Express and implied contract terms
- Formation of the employment contract
- Types of contract
- Variation of contracts
- Written statement of employment particulars
- Contracts of employment: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Discipline and grievances
- Disciplinary rules and procedures
- Grievance procedures
- Discipline and grievances: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Employment tribunals and dispute resolution
- Alternative methods of dispute resolution
- Tribunal procedures and penalties
- Employment tribunals and dispute resolution: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Equality and human rights
- Direct discrimination
- Disability discrimination
- Discrimination law: Protection and liability
- Discrimination law: The protected characteristics
- Discrimination: Burden of proof, time limits and remedies
- Equal pay
- Gender pay gap reporting
- Harassment
- Human rights
- Indirect discrimination
- Occupational requirements and other exceptions
- Pregnancy and maternity discrimination
- Public-sector equality duty
- Victimisation
- Equality and human rights: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Family-friendly rights
- Adoption leave
- Adoption pay
- Maternity leave
- Maternity pay
- Ordinary parental leave
- Parental bereavement leave
- Parental bereavement pay
- Paternity leave
- Paternity pay
- Shared parental leave
- Shared parental pay
- Family-friendly rights: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Financial services sector
- Discipline and dismissal: financial services
- Financial services regulation: financial services
- Internal transfers and promotions: financial services
- Monitoring: financial services
- Personal transactions and inducements: financial services
- Providing references: financial services
- Recruitment: financial services
- Remuneration: financial services
- Senior Managers and Certification Regimes: financial services
- Training and competence: financial services
- Whistleblowing: financial services
Fixed-term workers
Flexible working
- Part-time workers
- Right to request flexible working
- Flexible working: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Health and safety
- Civil and criminal liability for health and safety breaches
- Health and safety consultation, information and safety signs
- Employment implications of health and safety laws
- General health and safety duties
- Incident response
- Health and safety policy, organisation and performance review
- Risk assessment and hazard management
- Safety training
- Health and safety of specific vulnerable people
- Health and safety: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Information and consultation
- European Works Councils
- Informing and consulting on employment matters
- Informing and consulting on pension scheme changes
- Information and consultation: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Pay and benefits
- Basic pay and benefits
- Deductions from wages and attachment of earnings
- Guarantee payments
- Itemised pay statements and statements of fixed deductions
- Pay and the employment contract
- Pay As You Earn
- Sick pay
- The national minimum wage
- Pay and benefits: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Occupational pensions and employment law
- Pensions auto-enrolment
- State pension
- Workplace pensions
- Pensions: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Personal data
Public interest disclosures
- Whistleblowing
- Public interest disclosures (whistleblowing): key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Recruitment and selection
- Discrimination in recruitment and selection
- Employing young people and children
- Immigration rules and right to work
- Job applicants with convictions
- Making job offers
- Unlawful recruitment practices
- Recruitment and selection: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Collective redundancy consultation
- Lay-off and short-time working
- Redundancy
- Redundancy: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Termination of employment
- Automatic unfair dismissal
- Final payments
- Forms of termination
- Insolvency of employer
- Notice and pay in lieu of notice
- Providing references
- Retirement
- Unfair dismissal
- Written statement of reasons for dismissal
- Termination of employment: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Trade unions and industrial action
- Handling industrial action
- Picketing
- The consequences of trade union recognition
- Trade union recognition
- Trade unions and industrial action: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Informing and consulting prior to TUPE transfers
- Transfer of undertakings (TUPE)
- TUPE: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Working time
- Holiday and holiday pay
- Hours of work
- Rest breaks and rest periods
- Sunday working for shop and betting workers
- Time off work
- Working time: key differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland