How to introduce and manage an occupational sick pay scheme
Author: Sue West
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Understand how the statutory sick pay scheme operates.
- Consider what the organisation wants to achieve by introducing an occupational sick pay scheme.
- Be aware that occupational sick pay will have contractual status.
- Set out clearly the factors that determine entitlement to occupational sick pay.
- Decide on the rate(s) of occupational sick pay and for how long it will be paid.
- Decide how previous sickness absence levels will affect employees' entitlement to occupational sick pay.
- Specify the rules for how employees should advise the employer of their absence.
- Specify the requirements for certification of absence.
- Define roles and responsibilities within the organisation in relation to managing the scheme.
- Review the scheme to ensure that it is delivering its objectives and operating effectively.